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You wide opened your eyes seeing the man Infront of you holding his arm and groaning in pain. You saw blood on his arms and turned to the direction where the bullet came from.. It was a guy in black just like them and in mask so you couldn't recognize them.. 

The person came closer to you and started untying your hands and legs.

You shouted slowly "do-don't touch m-me" 

"Shhh!, i am here to save you",,, the guy said.

You were suprised by his calmness, "I-i can't just t-trust anyone r-right now"

"I know, but i am Kim Taehyung's body guard, i hope so you know me, I am Lee Munki.."

"M-munki? i have never heard of you" you said...

"that's kinda sad, i guess young master never mentioned about me to you"

he untied you and helped you stand up..

"i am n-not sure" you answered..

You got up with his support..

"Don't worry here's the map go straight from here you will get to the exit and you will find some guys there they will help you get out. please be carefu-

"Hey stop right there you ba$tard" some guys from behind shouted..

"go" he said to you and with that you started to run.

Y/N's pov:

I was running where he asked me to and hoping not to encounter anyone and at that moment i saw some guys coming towards my direction, and guess they hadn't seen me yet.. so i somehow climbed up where there was a small hook onto which i could hold on.. As soon as the guys passed across the pathway i kicked one of them on their head and jumped onto the other one.. I fought them and took the gun out from of them and pointed towards them.. I guess they were newbies here because it wasn't that hard to fight them.. 

"wait, do you even know how to use a gun?"

i guess he saw me struggling to handle the gun "no i don't", i throwed the gun at them and started to run.. i followed me and they were pretty fast.. i ran into an open shutter and hid near the shutter.. They definitely saw me going in, and as planned they came inside the place... as it was dark they couldn't see me... As soon as they came in they started to go further in while shouting and searching for me, "Come out darling you can't hide any longer"

I ran out of the place and closed the shutter and as lucky as i can be, the shutter was a password thingy.. So until someone from outside types the password until then they can't get out..

"YAAH! OPEN THE DAMN SHUTTER!!!" they shouted while banging it.. I chuckled to myself as i was proud.. I saved myself from gangsters.. Yes!!

i didn't have much time so i started to run the direction of the map and reached to the exit. There as Munki said some guys in black were standing.. I wasn't really sure if they were them and i definitely couldn't trust someone at this moment.. So i planned to get out of there by myself..

I tip-toed and started walk faster so they won't notice me.. But unfortunately, i bumped into a guy and it was from the guys who kidnapped me.. I cursed under my breath..

He pointed a gun at me started to take me somewhere.. I had to walk or else he would kill me.. But those guys in black saw me and don't know why but they helped me, they fought the guy and one of them held my hand and started to run.. We both ran as fast as we can..

But the place was unknown to us, we somehow managed to come to a room kind of thing and hid there... 

I asked the guy "may i know who are you Mr.?"

"Kim do jun", "young master's bodyguard"..

"but i have never seen you guys before" you said confused.

"yes Mrs.Y/N, we are from a secret special force, master has assigned us for situation like these.."

"oh" i said still confused..

"Umm, He didn't came?"

"who? young master?" 

i hummed in response...

"i can't say that Mrs.Y/N, i am not allowed to say you any of these things"

"oh wow, here i am being kidnapped and he asked you to not even say what is going on?"

"I am sorry Mrs. Y/N, Young master doesn't trust just anyone with his plans"

"Yea, JUST ANYONE you know.."

"sorry, i didn't mean to say that"

"nono it's fine, anyways thanks for saving me.."

he got up from the place and started to look out if someone was around.. 

And unfortunately someone saw him, he hurriedly got in and asked me to run from there and hide somewhere he would take care of them..

i definitely didn't wanted to leave him alone but if i did stay i would just create troubles.. so i nodded and started to find a place to hide.. 

Perfect! i saw a small chimney near the corner, upwards... i guess i can fit perfectly there..

i climbed up and got there... 


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