Day 13 - Cold

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Series: Rainbow Quest

--- Yellow Steve with a Leather Chestplate P.O.V. ---

"Gosh, why does he have to make us train outside?"  There's a hint of laughter in the complaint.  I look over, smiling lightly, at the groups of soldiers.  The True Yellow King has been pushing hard to get everyone trained for battle, just in case.  With the darkness on the loose, we might come to a fight any day now.

"I know, right?  The sun makes the armor so hot!"

"I guess it's only a real battle simulation.  Our armor's going to be hot then, too."  They gulp down water, pouring it over their faces.

"Hey, LC, do you want some?"  One of the steves hands me a water bottle.  His hair is already dripping.  I drink it gratefully.  Practice was especially rough today.

"Man, I'm exhausted."  The guard throws off his armor.  "Did you guys fight against the new recruit?  He's insane!"  It's a compliment, directed at Light Steve.  I glance over at him.  He still has his armor on, but I can tell it's him.  He's the only one who sits that way- so stiffly.

I'm gonna go check on him.

"Hey, Light.  How was your first training session?"  I ask him, taking another swig of water.

"Yellow Steves are very fast."  he replies.  "It was good practice."  His voice is matter-of-fact, even cold.  I don't mind.  I've never heard him speak any other way.

"You didn't struggle to keep up."  I tell him.  "You really put everyone through their paces."

"Well... thank you."

"Do you want some water?"  I hold a bottle out to him.  "You can take your armor off, you know.  You must be boiling."

"No, thank you.  You wouldn't want to train some more, would you?"  I look down, wishing I could accept the offer.

"Sorry, Light.  We're all pretty tired."

"Of course, I'll train on my own."  Guilt bubbles inside of me.  I want to help him.  I can't see his expression under the training helmet, but he doesn't ask many favors.  This must be important to him.

"Maybe in the morning?"  I offer.  "I usually get up early to run.  I wouldn't mind training instead."  He nods his gratitude.  After a few moments, he takes off his helmet.

"What time?"

"Does 6:30 work?"

"Yes."  I reach to take the helmet from him so I can help him put it up.  To my surprise, it's not hot.  Actually, it's slightly colder than the air around it.  Strange.

"Any reason you want to train?"  I call back as I put the helmet with all the others.

"It's good practice."  He says simply.

"...And it warms you up?"  I question.  His eyes look away from mine.

"Yes, that too."  he agrees finally.  I don't push it any farther.  As he removes his other armor, however, I notice he's shivering.


I clutch the thick bundle of blankets to my chest, feeling a bit foolish.  It's late, and most of the other steves are fast asleep already.

Light's been placed in a makeshift hut, since we didn't have any other place that was free.  Later, of course, we'll have more houses.  For now, this has to do.

But I, having been in many small outposts before, know that the hut was not equipped with extra blankets.

I quickly knock on the door.

Light peers out, his expression neutral.  The only thing that gives away his exhaustion are the faint purplish marks under his eyes.  His shivering is hardly noticeable in the dark.

"So- um- I brought you these."  I mutter quickly, pushing the heap of fabric into his arms.  Above the pile of fluff, I can only see his eyes.  They blink at me, a little confused.  "You know, just in case."  My hands fidget nervously, and I want to run back to my house this instant.

"Thank you."  Light takes a few steps back, depositing the blankets onto his bed.  I notice that the kingdom swapped out the standard yellow sheets for something white.  A few objects in the room, however, are orange.  Probably his from before the transformation.  Even from outside, I can feel that the room is chilly.

"What's it like?"  I ask before I even realize it.  "Being Light Steve?"  Light doesn't seem offended, but sits down on the edge of the bed, quickly wrapping one of the blankets over his shoulders.

"It's not what I expected."  he admits.  "I always feel so cold now."

"I saw you shivering."  I say quietly.

"Not only that."  he sighs.  "I'm cold emotionally, too.  I used to be timid all the time, and now I just feel- blank."

"It must be a lot to get used to."

"...It is."

"Do you miss the Orange Steves?"

"Sometimes.  It's easier with the Yellow Steves, though.  Most of them don't associate me with Shy.  It's easier to be Light around them."

"I guess so."  I had never thought about it that way before.  Did he feel suddenly out of place with his own friends?

"I... I like being Light Steve.  I think they find that difficult to understand."


"I feel braver in this form.  Stronger, too.  More at peace with myself, even if there's a crystal affecting the process."

"Even if you're cold?"

"It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."  He glances at the other blankets, then throws a few more over himself, burrowing down into them.  I fight back the urge to laugh.  "Besides, I think I might be thawing out."  he smiles.

"So, 6:30."  I remind him, realizing I should probably let him get his rest.  "Don't be late!"

"I wouldn't miss it!"


Word Count: 883

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