1 - The Beginning

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"Come on guys,lets play Pokemon trainer!",a young boy with orange hair shouts back at his friends as he runs towards a forrest.

A girl with long brown hair sighs:"Cant we just watch TV?"She was far behind the other boy because she didnt want to run.

Another boy,with spiky brown hair and a red cap thats way to big for him stops running after the orange haired boy.

He waits for the girl and takes her arm with a smile.

The boy starts running and drags the girls along.

"Wait!Stop!",the little girl complains as she is being forced to run.

They enter the forest a while after their friend,but than the boy's big red hat moves to cover his eyes.

He gasps as he cant see anymore,and trips on a rock.

The boy and the girl fall to the ground.

"Ouch..",the brown haired girl sighs.

The other boy with the orange hair turns around after hearing a loud noise,and sees his friends on the ground.

"Cmon you two,stop messing around!",he frowns with crossed arms.

"Its not my fault!Red and his stupid hat..",the girl mumbles.

The boy with the spiky hair,Red,moves the cap back on top of his head and rolls his eyes.

"Let me help you up Blue!",the orange haired boy smiles and holds out his hand to the girl,Blue.

She takes it with a smile,and stands up.

Red stands up on his own and dusts his pants off

"Thanks Green",Blue smiles at the orange haired kid,Green.

"No problem",Green grins,"But seriously Red,stop wearing that hat,it doesnt fit on your head"

Red scoffs and shakes his head.

"Fine..But lets play Pokemon trainer now!",Green shouts excitedly.

The three young children walk through the forrest,until they arrive at a clearing.

A beautiful flower field with a tiny pond in the middle,its the kid's favourite spot.

Green sits down criss crossed and takes his backpack from his shoulders.

He opens it and takes out four Pokemon toys.

"I call dibs on Pikachu!",Green shouts as he takes the Pikachu plush.

Red kneels down and takes the Nidoran♂️ plush.

"Which one do you want?",Green looks up at Blue,who was standing besides them.

"I dont want to play Pokemon trainer",she crosses her arms.

Green frowns slightly:"Why not?We always play Pokemon trainer!"

"Its stupid!I dont like it when the Pokemon fight.We could also play Pokemon Center and take care of the Pokemon!",the girl explains.

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