Chapter 32

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Loki teleports them to a hidden wooded area somewhere on Asgard. It's a quiet little area surrounded by overgrown trees, next to a small pond that leads to a small cave.

 It's a quiet little area surrounded by overgrown trees, next to a small pond that leads to a small cave

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"What is this place?" Rhi asks

"Like our spot by the lake. I found this one day while I was exploring. It has an enchantment over it to keep it hidden, so no one can find or see this place. See that cave over there." Rhi nods. "In it is a portal to Midguard."

"Where to on Earth?"

"Somewhere in Norway, I believe."

She lays down on the ground in defeat. "Now that we're fugitives, what do you think we should do next?"

"If you hadn't interfered, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She gets up and walks over to him. "You were going to die had I not interfered."

"Going against Odin was idiotic and reckless! For norns sake Rhiannon, he's the Allfather! Don't you understand that he could've killed you! All you had to do was just keep your promise!"

"My promise? What about the promise you made to me before you took my virginity. Huh? Remember that promise?" Rhi shouts back as she shoves him a little. "Fyi, I didn't break my promise. You said if you were to die...but you didn't because I stopped it. So, you're welcome, your highness!" She mockingly bows and turns away from him. They stand there in silence for a moment.

"A life with me." Loki starts. "Means a life in hiding and constantly looking over your shoulder, not knowing what the next day is going to bring..."

"Sounds like a thrilling adventure." She walks back towards him. "One that I will gladly go on, with you."

"No! You deserve better than someone like me."


He sighs. "Binding our souls together was a mistake."

"You don't mean that..." Rhi trails off when suddenly it feels as though a part of her was rip from her body.
She looks Loki over to try and get a read on him, but no longer can. "Why can't I feel you anymore? What did you do!?"

"An enchantment to shield my energy and soul from you." He says as he steps closer to her backing her towards and into the cave

"Loki please, don't do this." She pleads. "I love you..."

"Love." Loki chuckles. "Love is a dagger. It's a weapon to be wielded far away, or up close. You can see yourself in it. It's beautiful...until it makes you bleed. But ultimately, when you reach for it, it isn't real."

"What are you saying!? My love for you is real. Haven't I proven that?" Rhi cries. "You're my soulmate! Please, don't leave me again! Please! Don't you remember what happened last time?"

"That's why I did the enchantment." He says coldly.

"You promised..."

Loki sighs. "I'm sorry." He says softer now as he looks at her with sad eyes.

"Please, let's just-" She gets cut off as he uses his magic to push her further into the cave, where she falls into a portal and lands in a wooded area.

She quickly gets up and tries to find the portal she just came from, but unfortunately for her, it was only a one way portal.

Rhi then she tries to teleport back to Loki by locking on his energy, but she couldn't because he was blocking himself from her.

In a fit of rage, she blasts a hole through a nearby tree and then drops to her knees sobbing hysterically.

How could he do that to her, after everything they've been through...everything she'd done for him...everything she'd sacrificed.

She wanted, no, needed revenge. To hurt him the same way he hurt her. But how?

She removes her jacket and conjures one of her knives before taking a deep breath and slicing a deep cut across her wrist. It hurt, of course, but the pain from the cut was distracting her from the even bigger pain she felt aching in her heart.

Rhi chuckles to herself as she sees her warm blood dripping down her cool hand and onto the ground.

She didn't know for sure if he could feel her pain. But regardless, the possibility of it alone made her want to keep going. And maybe...just maybe, upon feeling her pain, Loki would come back and stop her. Rhi healed her cut with her magic, and then kept cutting herself again on different spots along her arm.

But it wasn't enough.

She...needed more.

Rhi takes her knife and stabs herself in the thigh. The action making her cry out in pain and laugh at the same time. It had hurt significantly more than the cuts on her arm, but her heart still hurt more.

Loki still wasn't stopping her so she continued. Switching between stabbing, cutting, and healing herself, until she passed out from exhaustion.

Sometime later she wakes up, still in the woods, feeling cold, hungry, weak, and alone. She had just enough energy left to teleport so back to the Avengers compound and does, landing in the common area before passing out on the floor.

She wakes up sometime later and finds herself in a bright room, laying on a bed with monitors and a IV hooked up to her. Rhi slowly sits up and widens her eyes when she notices someone sitting in the corner of the room.


"Rhiannon! Thank the stars." He says as he walks towards her and engulfs her in a hug. Rhi winces as she didn't realize how much pain she was actually in.

Thor lets her go. "Sorry, it's just...well we all thought you were dead." He pauses to look her over. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. Do you know where Loki is? I really need to talk to him." Thor face saddens. "Where is he? Is he alright? Did something happen?"

Thor takes a deep breath. " dead."


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