chapter twenty-six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Ignore all errors 

This chapter contains material that is 16+ but I don't really care. 

Niklaus Mikaelson stood in front of Bonnie Bennett, reaching out and pulling her seat for her. He smiled up at her and nodded. The witch slid between him, thanking him as she took her seat. Klaus sat directly in front of him.

"This restaurant is beautiful," Bonnie started, looking around. While she didn't want to make it look like she was a complete outsider, she couldn't help but to be in awe. There was a fairly large chocolate fountain in the middle of the room with strawberries and other fruit stationed around. Beside the fountain was a section to get plates and utensils just for the chocolate fountain. There were dozens of tables stationed around the main centerpiece and luckily enough, they were sitting at the front.

Well, it probably wasn't luck. It was probably the fact that Klaus was Klaus.

Nevertheless, Bonnie peered behind her. A chill ran down her spine as she did.

"Are you cold?" The hybrid asked, moving to take off his jacket. Obviously, his jackets were only for decoration because vampires couldn't get cold.

"No, no," Bonnie shook her head. "I just... Do you see that woman over there? She's a French Quarter witch isn't she?"

Klaus looked over at the door, glancing at the woman who just came through it. "She is. According to my dear friend Marcellus, she's Sabine Laurant. A witch with a grudge against vampires."

Bonnie wanted to say something sarcastic in response, mainly that most witches had a grudge against vampires. But she didn't. Instead, she tried to look away but something was pulling her. "Sabine... I've never seen her before."

"What's wrong?" Klaus asked.

"Nothing," Bonnie finally said. She ignored the feeling and turned towards Klaus. No one had ever made an effort to take her out to nice restaurants, so she decided that she wouldn't let herself throw this away. "Nothing's wrong."

Soon after, the two shifted into a comfortable conversation. Bonnie decided against talking about what Sophie and she had talked about. Clearly, Klaus did the same, opting out of mentioning what he found out about Marcel.

"I knew that you and Henrik took pleasure in playing Chess together; however, I did not expect him to join the Chess club," Klaus said, trying to make small talk. It was an ability he struggled with speaking that he never really had to make small talk with people.

Bonnie smiled in return. "Neither did I, but I'm happy for him. He's brilliant and above all, he's happy at New Orleans High School. Clubs are always fun in school."

"I take it as you were in one?"

Bonnie nodded. "I was a cheerleader, actually. A flyer. It was one of the best things about high school." She started. "What about you? Any fun childhood memories?"

Klaus sat back after taking a sip of his Champagne. While most of his childhood was ruined by his Father, he couldn't say it was all bad. "The children who grew up in my village along with me and my siblings would gather around the lakes and dive for fish. We never succeeded in finding fish, but we did succeed in making our mothers upset because of our now-soaked clothing."

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