Chapter 1: Trouble

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Season 1, Episode 1

Avery Castle stands with her little sister at the bar as the younger Castle works on homework. They both lift their heads up to listen to their ex-stepmother and their father's publicist, Gina Cowell, introduce the man of the hour.

"Murder....mystery....the macabre...what is it about a hard-boiled detective, a femme fatale and the cold steel of a gun that keeps our bedside lamps burning into the wee hours of the morning? However the spell is cast, tonight we honor a master of the form and celebrate the launch of Storm Fall...the stunning conclusion to his best-selling Derrick Storm mystery series. Ladies and gentlemen, the master of the macabre-Rick Castle."

They clap for their father as he walks onto the stage, lights flashing and cheers sounding. 

"He's gonna sign more breasts tonight than homework problems I'll solve," Alexis snorts.

"Avery! Alexis, dear!" Their Gram, Martha Rodgers, spins up to her granddaughters.

"Hey, Gram. Find anyone yet?" Avery asks, flicking he red hair over her shoulder.

Almost all the women in her family had red hair. Martha does, Avery does, Alexis does, hell, even Richard's first ex-wife and Alexis mom, Meredith does.

"There's still plenty of time for that, sweetheart," Martha smiles, pinching Avery's cheek, "Really, Dollface, who does homework at a party?" She asks her youngest granddaughter.

Alexis doesn't look up, "I have a test next week."

Martha shrugs, "So do I! Liver function. You don't see me studying. All right, give me a hit of the bubbly."

"Make that three," Richard comes up, gesturing to himself and Avery.

"Hey, Kiddo. Sales must be slipping. They're only serving the soft stuff," Martha tells her son.

He ignores her, kissing Avery's cheek and then Alexis', "Hey, dad."

"Hey, honey. Hey, sweetie," He greets them before turning to his mom, "So, mother..."

She immediately shushes him, "Not so loud. I'm still hoping to get lucky."

"Did you tell Gina I was having trouble writing?"

"Oh, I told her nothing of the sort. I...I may have said something about you spending your days moping in your underwear waiting for post time at Belmont. But, hey, you're an artist. It's expected."

"We had a deal," He reminds her, "I let you live with us, but you don't talk about my work."

"What's to talk about?" Martha asks, "You haven't done any since I moved in."

"Gram," Alexis tries to intervene but Avery shakes her head, pulling her younger sister back.

"Well, he hasn't."

Avery sighs, "Gram, dad has his ways. We all know inspiration will strike and we won't see him for days as he writes."

Richard smiles at his daughter, nodding, "Exactly. And until then, I would just appreciate it if you wouldn't share it with my ex-wife."

Martha rolls her eyes, "Oh, what's the big deal?" She spots someone over her son's shoulder, "Hang on, sweetie. I just got a hit on my graydar. Bingo! No ring. Stand back, kids. Mama's going fishing."

"You two should have me committed," Richard looks to his daughters.

"For what?" Alexis asks, "Letting her move in? I think it's sweet."

"Won't be when I strangle her and Avery then has to arrest me," Richard hands Avery her bubbly before placing one next to Alexis.

Avery takes it from in front of Alexis, "You know she's only 15, right?"

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