Chapter Eleven

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"Dani, please, there's to many of them." Maria pleaded.

I just kept walking, Buddy getting to his feet as I made it to his front yard. "You're gonna pay for what you did! You're gonna pay with your fucking life!"

Maria stood in front of me then, holding me back. "Please, Dani..." She pleaded.

I looked into her big green eyes. She was scared. So was I. But, what happened to Roger was my fault and it wouldn't go unpunished.

"You should listen to your girlfriend, Elena. She knows what's best for you." Buddy taunted.

I pointed my finger at him. "I'm gonna fucking kill you... You hear me!? You're a dead man!"

Buddy just laughed as Maria pulled me away from him. "C'mon, Dani... Come home with me..."

I let her lead me back to her house, staring Buddy down the whole time.

We watched through the front window as the ambulance took Roger to the hospital, Doris and Chad riding with him.

"This is all my fault..." I said.

Maria rested a hand on my shoulder. "No it's not... Roger did what he thought was right..."

"Is he gonna live..?" I asked.

Maria let out a small sigh. "We don't know yet... But, he's a tough old bastard... Don't count him out just yet."

I turned to face her, hesitantly pulling her into a hug. Thankfully, she let me.

"I'm so sorry, Maria... I never meant to hurt you... I never meant for any of this to happen..." I whispered.

"I know..." She whispered back.

Suddenly, the loud boom of thunder rang out from the sky, startling us apart.

We looked back out the front window as the revs of motorcycles rang out through the air, rain starting to fall from the sky.

"Shit..." I said, watching with horror as twenty or so bikers rolled into the cul-de-sac.

"Dani... What do we do..?" Maria asked, taking my hand.

"Elena Rossi!" Buddy yelled from his front porch.

Maria squeezed my hand. "Dani..."

I faced her, cupping her cheek with my free hand. "Stay here... I'm going out there..."

Maria rested her forehead against mine. "You can't... They'll kill you..."

I pressed my lips to hers. "I need to do this, Maria... This is my penance... My punishment for all the wrong I've done in my life... This is my chance to do something right..."

Maria ran her free hand through my hair, tears leaking from her eyes. "I love you, Dani..."

I flashed her a small smirk. "I know... I love you to..."

We shared one last kiss. "I'm going out the back. Stay low and keep away from the windows."

She just nodded as I let her go, looking back at her one last time before stepping out the back door into the rain.

I snuck next door to my house, slipping through my back door before making a beeline to my bedroom.

"This is your last chance, Elena! Then, we're coming in after you!" Buddy yelled from outside.

I pulled the shotgun from under my bed. Throwing a few extra shells in my pocket before grabbing the revolver from my nightstand.

I slid the revolver in my belt, pumped the shotgun, steeling myself. 'Here we go...'

My steps were slow, hesitant. The front door stared me down, taunted me. 'Let's do this...'

"Alright! We're coming in!" Buddy yelled as I ripped the front door open.

"I'm right here!" I yelled back, shotgun held tightly in my hands.

Buddy laughed. "What do you plan on doing with that old thing?"

I pointed it at the group of bikers in front of me. "I'm gonna shoot the first fucking biker that comes anywhere near me."

Buddy stood up from his front porch. "Alright... Kill her." He ordered.

The rest of the bikers started walking towards my front yard.

I aimed the shotgun, my finger grazing the trigger. 'Don't hesitate now...'

"After we're done with you, we're gonna pay that pretty girlfriend of yours a visit." Buddy taunted.

I looked down the sights, waiting for the first biker to step foot on my lawn.

And, as soon as he did, I released a breath, pulling the trigger.

The buckshot struck the first man, splintering his chest, sending him crashing to the pavement.

Everything went quiet as the rain continued to fall around us, the shot still echoing in my ears.

"Well... I didn't think you'd do it." Buddy said.

I pumped the shotgun. "Who's next?"

The group looked amongst themselves, a few of them deciding to back off, raising their hands in surrender.

I smirked as Buddy let out an angry yell. "What're you assholes waiting for? Kill the bitch!"

I squeezed the trigger, sending another biker crashing to the ground, pumping the shotgun afterwards.

"She can't shoot you all! Get a move on!" Buddy yelled.

The bikers shared another look before quickly making their way back to their bikes, speeding off into the stormy night.

I walked out into the middle of the cul-de-sac then, stepping over the two dead bikers. "Looks like you're all alone now, Buddy."

Buddy stepped down his front steps. "We'll see about that."

He quickly reached into his vest, pulling a pistol and squeezing a shot off before I could even react.

I felt the burning in my shoulder as I fell back to the pavement, dropping the shotgun in the process.

"Dani!" Maria yelled as she charged out of her front door.

"Maria! Stay back!" I ordered, Buddy stepping closer to me.

"You should listen to her, you're not gonna want to see this next part." Buddy said, raising the pistol over me.

"No!" Maria yelled out, tackling Buddy to the ground.

I got to my feet as quickly as I could, pulling the revolver from my belt.

Buddy got back to his feet as well, holding Maria in front of him, pistol placed firmly under her chin. "You should've listened." He said to Maria.

"Let her go!" I ordered, aiming the revolver right between Buddy's eyes.

Buddy just laughed. "Or what? You'll shoot? How good of a shot are you? Do you really trust yourself not to blow her pretty little head off on accident?"

I pulled the hammer back on the revolver, the tensions rising as fast as my heartbeat.

"Let's see what you're made of, bitch!" Buddy called out, slowly squeezing the trigger.

My eyes fluttered closed, my breathing slowing, as I pulled the trigger, the shot ringing through my ears...

   When I opened my eyes, I saw Buddy stagger back a few steps before collapsing to the ground with a thud.

   Maria ran up to me afterwards. I dropped the revolver as she pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh my God... I thought that was it. I thought we were dead..."

   I pulled her into a kiss, resting my forehead against hers. "We're safe now... We're safe..."

   Maria held me, refusing to let go as the rain continued to fall around us, the sounds of sirens in the distance...

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