Chapter Ten

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"Who's 'Elena?'" Maria asked.

I let out a sigh before collapsing back into the couch. "No one... It's just Buddy being Buddy."

Maria sat down next to me. "I didn't know you owned a gun..."

I looked down at the Colt, emptying the bullets before setting it on the coffee table. "Well... After everything with Buddy, I figured I might need one..."

Maria took my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You wouldn't actually use it, though, would you?"

I didn't answer, afraid of what she might think. "C'mon... Let's get some rest..."

Thankfully, Maria was able to sleep. I, on the other hand, couldn't. The anger in my gut kept me awake. Visions of all the things I wanted to do to Buddy dancing around my thoughts.

I rolled out of bed carefully, making sure not to wake Maria, before making my way into the living room.

I lit a cigarette before sitting down on the couch, pulling my phone out.

With a sigh, I dialed Hector. He answered after a few rings, clearly he was asleep when I called. "Dani? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I need your help... How quickly can you get here?" I asked.

"I'm working another case a few states over. It'd be a few days tops. What's wrong?"

"That guy, Buddy Bruno... He knows who I am and now he's after me." I replied.

"What'd you do?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing... I just can't handle this on my own."

He sighed. "I'll be there as soon as I can. Try to lay low for now."

I nodded. "Alright... Thanks, Hector."

"Don't mention it... Now, get some sleep. You're gonna need it."

I laughed a little before saying my goodbyes, hanging up the phone.

I rested my head in my hands afterwards, realization settling in.

"Who are you..?" I heard her voice.

Shit, she must've heard my conversation.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up to see Maria leaning against the doorframe.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't play dumb with me, Elena. I heard Buddy call you that the other night and now all this. Who are you?"

I let out a sigh, a couple tears welling in my eyes. So, she had heard. I guess there was no holding back now. Once Hector got here, I was sure to be relocated anyway.

"My real name is Elena Rossi-"

Maria scoffed, throwing her arms up.

"I'm in the witness protection program. They moved me here for my safety. Hector is the marshal assigned to me." I finished.

   Maria sank to the floor, sitting against the wall. "Are you a criminal?"

   I nodded. "I used to be an enforcer for a mafia family in New York."

   "Jesus, Dani, or whatever your name is... Why didn't you tell me?" Maria asked.

   I shook my head. "I couldn't... If anyone found out who I really was, it could've gotten back to the wrong people-"

   She pointed her hand at me. "The wrong people already know who you are!"

   I closed my eyes, letting out a breath. "I know..."

   Maria got to her feet. "I can't believe I was actually starting to fall for you... Has anything you told me been the truth?"

   I quickly got to my feet as well. "Mostly... My father didn't die of old age, he was whacked... And my name isn't Dani Walker... Everything else was the truth... Everything I feel for you is the truth..."

   She rested her hand against her forehead, looking down.

   I hesitantly approached her. "Maria-"

   She threw her hand up. "I can't, Dani... Elena... I just can't right now... I have to go."

   Then, she stormed past me, walking out my front door. Possibly out of my life for good...

   As the sun started to rise, I decided to head to work. It was probably safer there then at home.

   "Hey, Dani." Mickey greeted.

   I shook my head. "My name's not Dani. It's Elena Rossi."

   Mickey looked me over. "What happened?"

   I shook my head, pacing in front of my car. "I fucked up... This Easy Rider reject across the street found out my real identity and now I went and started a turf war with him and his gang."

   Mickey lowered his head. "Is that why you needed the guns?"

   I nodded, leaning against the hood of my car. "I'm sorry I got you involved in all this..."

   He leaned next to me, letting out a sigh. "Don't worry about it, Dani... Elena... I'm just a nobody mechanic, no one knows I exist."

   I gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks, Mick..."

He gave my shoulder a squeeze. "Don't mention it... Now, c'mon, that Duster isn't gonna fix itself."

We shared a smile before heading into the shop, getting to work on the car...

After leaving work that night, I headed straight home. I didn't want Buddy or any of his goons to catch me without protection.

As I was pulling up to my house, though, I noticed an ambulance parked in front of Roger and Doris's house.

I watched a couple EMT's wheel a stretcher towards the back of the ambulance.

Without hesitation, I jumped out of my car and ran up to them. To my horror, Roger was laying back on the stretcher. Tubes hung from his bandaged nose. His face was cut up and bloody.

Doris walked up next to me then, tears still fresh in her eyes. "What happened to him..?" I asked.

"Buddy... Roger tried to stand up to him... Just like you... Buddy and a few of his guys took him down... They just wouldn't stop hitting him..." She started to cry again.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "I'm so sorry, Doris... This is all my fault..."

Everyone else ran up as they loaded Roger into the back of the ambulance.

Trudy and Chad consoled Doris while Maria just eyed me. "What're you gonna do..?" She asked.

I looked from her to where Buddy sat on his front porch, smirking.

"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker..."

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