Chapter Five

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As seven o'clock rolled around, I made my way outside, my favorite dress hanging off of me.

I smoothed it out and took in a deep breath before knocking on Maria's door.

She opened it, a bright smile on her face. "Right on time."

I smiled back, taking her in. She wore a cute, yellow sun dress. Her hair was curly and hung past her shoulders. She wore light makeup, but it was enough to amplify her already beautiful features.

"You look beautiful..." I said.

She blushed, smiling. "Thank you... So do you..."

I returned her smile, getting lost in her big green eyes.

Then, she cleared her throat. "Right, uh, won't you come in?"

I nodded, following her inside, closing her door behind me.

She led me to the kitchen table. Glasses full of red wine and a few candles set the mood. "So, what's for dinner?" I asked as she pulled my seat out, allowing me to sit.

She grabbed a serving tray, setting it in the center of the table. "Paella valenciana, my abuela used to make it when I was a kid."

I looked down at the strange food. It was definitely Spanish, just like the woman sitting in front of me. But, instead of offending her, I grabbed a plateful and dug in. It actually wasn't half bad.

"So, what do you think?" She asked.

I flashed her a smile. "It's new. But, very good."

She smiled back. "Good. It's my abuela's secret recipe."

With dinner, there was light conversation. Nothing interesting. It was after dinner when the wine started flowing and the conversation started to pick up.

"So, are you from Spain originally?" I found myself asking.

"Cuba actually. We moved here when I was young. The land of opportunity." She said, taking a long sip from her wine.

"Do you ever miss home?" I asked, knowing full well where the question was coming from. My own homesickness.

"Sometimes. But, my whole family moved here. And home is where your family is." She replied.

I smiled at her answer. "You have a point there."

She returned my smile. "Do you miss New York?"

I swirled my wine in its glass. "Yeah... But, there's nothing there for me anymore."

   New York was my home and it always would be... But, the only thing waiting for me there now was darkness...

She stood up, taking the seat next to me. "Don't you have family there..?"

I set my wine down. "Not anymore..."

She surprised me by wrapping her arms around my shoulders, speaking softly. "I'm sorry..."

I looked up into her eyes. For the first time in a long time, I felt vulnerable. Fragile. Being under her gaze scared me, but in a good way, if that makes sense.

"Do me a favor..." I whispered.

"Name it..." She whispered back.

"Don't hit me..."

I cupped her cheek, caressing it softly as I brought my lips up to hers, closing my eyes.

She set her wine down, deepening the kiss as she rested her free hand against my bare thigh.

I pulled back, resting my forehead against hers. "You're so beautiful..."

She smiled, a blush forming on her cheeks. "So are you..."

I kissed her again, letting out a breath through my nose as she ran her hand up my thigh, making her way under my dress.

Her fingers grazed my panties as she pulled away this time. "Can I show you to the bedroom..?"

I bit my lip, nodding.

She stood up, taking my hand, guiding me with her.

We drifted into her bedroom and she shut the door before turning to face me. The look on her face was cute, yet hid something darker as she pulled one strap down her shoulder.

I swallowed hard, reaching behind my back to unzip my own dress.

She walked towards me as I brought my hands back out, resting them against her hips, her lips crashing into mine once again.

A moan slipped past her lips as I moved mine down her neck, over her newly exposed shoulder.

I reached my hands behind her back, unzipping her dress as she pulled it down to her waist, exposing her bare chest.

She looked up into my eyes, pulling my dress up over my waist.

I pressed a light kiss to her lips, then her chin, then her collar bone, making my way done to her chest.

She moaned again as one of her hands found it's way inside my panties, her fingers pressing lightly against me.

I let out a breath, leading her back towards the bed.

She lightly pushed me back onto it before sliding her dress the rest of the way off.

I caught her eyes again as she slowly crawled on top of me, leading a trail of kisses over my neck towards my lips.

She slipped a hand into my panties again, pulling my dress down past my chest.

My head lulled back when I felt her tongue against my chest, her fingers still pressed against me. "Oh my God..."

My fingers dug into her back, the pleasure building in my stomach. "Don't stop..."

She smiled down at me, biting her lip. "I wouldn't dream of it..."

My back arched lightly off the bed as she pressed her lips to my chest again, picking up the pace with her fingers.

"Maria... I'm so close..." I moaned.

She just smirked before sliding down my body, resting between my legs.

I watched her wink before dropping her head below my waist, then I felt her tongue against me.

My hands tangled in her hair instinctively. "Fuck..."

On of her hands joined her tongue while the other grabbed my thigh, attempting to keep me grounded.

I brought one of my hands up to my chest, my breathing picking up, my eyes falling closed. "Yes... Yes... Maria..!"

She crawled into bed next to me as I caught my breath. I turned my head, looking into her eyes. "Kiss me..."

She blushed, leaning in to capture my lips with hers.

As the kiss deepened, I crawled on top of her. "Now, prepare yourself for the best night of your life..."

She giggled as I dipped down between her thighs...

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