Chapter 55

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Ivetta retired to her room shortly after my proposal, and I to mine, elated even without an invitation to her room. Next was the engagement ceremony, and then the wedding. Sariel had a lot of work to do. I didn't intend to delay for any reason.

It took me a while to get to sleep, as I found it unusually difficult to calm the thoughts spinning around my head, but suddenly I was waking up to broad daylight streaming in through the windows above my bookshelves. I stretched and pulled the blankets back up over my head. Today was going to be another busy day, starting with me signing the treaty. I needed to talk to Sariel, and check in with Leon regarding his project with the ex-slaves, and I should probably have a word with Gilbert about the emperor...

Just a few more minutes.

But the longer I stayed in bed, the less time I would have with Ivetta at the end of the day.

I sighed and got up, pulling the drapes open and looking down into the gardens. Summer had arrived, but the weather had been pleasant the past few days as opposed to its usual oppressive heat this time of year. Silvio's parents were walking around with Arianna down below. I frowned and turned back to my bureau, Nokto's words from the night before ringing in my ears. That would not be the last time Ivetta's background would be called into question, nor would it be the last time vile accusations were made to her face.

Unfortunately, she was used to that.

I dressed in my normal clothes, only sparing a glance at the midnight blue coat hanging on the coat rack next to my bureau as I ate a quick lunch. Given the time, my brothers would be gathering in my office, waiting for me to arrive. Not so they could watch me sign the treaty; rather, so they could harass me about the proposal, I was sure.

This was going to be a long day.

I was not expecting to see Ivetta outside my office. Her guards stopped at the door while she walked toward me, a wide smile on her face.

"Chevalier," she called, a barely restrained excitement audible in her voice.


I smiled, too, closing the distance between us and leaning in for a soft kiss. She blushed and glanced over her shoulder at her guards. I couldn't care less about them. They'd seen me carry her back to her room in the middle of the night; what was one little kiss?

Not enough, that's what it was.

I took her hand and pulled her along with me, back toward my room.


"Don't you need to get to work?" she asked, looking up at me shyly.

"I'm signing the treaty today, so my office is likely occupied," I explained. "And I assume you have something you wish to discuss."

"Maybe, or maybe I just wanted to see you," she teased with a mischievous sparkle in her green eyes. "Did you ever consider that possibility?"

I smirked. "I have allowed for that as well."

We'd arrived at my room, and I held the door open for her. She brushed past me, the pale blue skirts of her dress swishing against my legs as my eyes traveled down her back. I closed the door and grabbed her about the waist, spinning her into my arms for a passionate kiss.

"Chevalier," she gasped, pushing back on my chest. I kept a tight grip about her waist, keeping her from going far. "I'm not so sure this is a good time-"

"This will have to last me until after dinner," I replied, kissing her again with only slightly less fervor, and then resting my forehead against hers. "What was it you wanted?"

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