Untitled Part 2

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Behind the biggest smile is the biggest lie

He seems so carefree but when he's alone he doesn't quite get there

The way he overthinks everything

It slowly brings him down until his friends start to notice

His friends don't want to help because they think it some joke

The mood swings and panic attacks he has, he is now classed a girl

The clothes he wears, people are now calling him gay

His mind set gets worse

He starts to harm himself

He doesn't know where he went wrong

What did this to him?

More people start to run from him not wanting him around

He gets caught crying in a bathroom stall

He tries to get some help

But it's purely for attention

He starts to shut out his family, who he needs most

No one understands him, no one will help

He sits in his room contemplating death

He doesn't know but he will be missed by many

He feels so overwhelmed and doesn't know what to do

No one notices his disappearance until they need him

And then they start to wonder why he never asked for help

People start to wonder why he did this

But they never questioned the way they treated him

How they brought him down

How the words 'faggot' and 'gay' really hurt him

He wasn't gay but people don't know how to accept things they don't like

One day someone spoke up for him after he left and the boy who spoke started to get degraded by his peers

And history repeated itself

Still no one realized and thought

Thought that if they change the way they spoke to each other

People may not be tempted with death and feel safe around society

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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