I'm Y/n Henderson Dustin's older sister life has been a lot I was there when eleven came along she was like a sister to me my best friend Nancy had a bf named Steve I was chill with it although last year she kept running away a lot but I ignored it...
Today I was going to the snowball I went and got dressed
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I walked downstairs my mom had a smile on her face Y/m: sweetheart you look amazing Y/n: thank you She handed me the keys I hugged her and left I drove to hoppers house I walked in Hopper: hey kiddo Y/n: hey Hopper: elevens in her room Y/n: thank you I walked in and smiled Y/n: hey Eleven: hey I walked over and started to do her hair Eleven: did you tell Steve? Y/n: no.... Eleven: why not Y/n: I don't know seems like he doesn't like me back Eleven: try I smiled at her through the mirror Y/n: pretty see She smiled and hugged me Eleven: thank you Y/n: your welcome We got in the car Hopper: have her home by Y/n: 11 I know! He nodded and me and eleven drove to the dance I hugged her and she walked in Dustin: what do you think y/n? Y/n: you look interesting Dustin: thank you He walked inside but stopped Dustin: behind you I turned to Steve looking at me through the window I smiled and walked over opening the door and sitting in his car Steve: hey Y/n: hey Steve: you did really great with Eleven Y/n: thanks you did with Dustin Steve: not as well as you I smiled Y/n: I should go Steve: yea of course I started to get out Steve: y/n? Y/n: hm? I turned to face the boy Steve: you look beautiful Y/n: thank you... I smiled and ran up the stairs into the school I walked over to Nancy and smiled Nancy: hey Y/n: hey Boy: what's in this? Nancy: pure foul I smiled and laughed as we waited the slow music came on eleven and mike danced so did max and Lucas. Will danced with a girl as Dustin danced with a girl who he had a little crush on I was happy for him. Jonathan: uhm Nancy? Nancy: yea? Jonathan: mind if we dance Nancy's cheeks turned bright red as she nodded and they walked to the dance floor I sat on the table watching all my friends dance with people Steve: pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone Y/n: oh really? Steve: mhm so may I have this dance? I smiled and took the boys hand we headed to the dance floor I put my arms around his neck and his around my waist I smiled and slowly danced I laid my head on Steve's chest as we danced I lifted my head up and took his hand he spun me around then put his other hand on my waist I saw max and Lucas kiss and eleven and mike a smile on my face as we danced I wasn't going to lie I was really happy with him could I..... holy shit I have a crush on Steve Harrington! We stopped dancing and I smiled at the boy he smiled down at me I started walking back to the table I felt a hand on mine I looked to see max and mike? Max: follow us y/n! Mike: yea! I nodded and followed them Mike: close your eyes! Y/n: okay! They walked me some where Dustin: open you eyes I opened them to steve in front of me Lucas; mistletoe I looked above us to see mistletoe I smiled my cheeks bright pink Steve's were red I leaned up and kissed his cheek he smiled at me I started walking away Steve: wait y/n? Y/n: yes? Steve: what do you say we get out of here? Y/n: steve I can't... I have to get eleven home by 11 (Y'all didn't even realized I did that😂) Jonathan: we will take her Y/n: I couldn't Jonathan: we will I'll go drop her off will has to be home by 11 too so does Mike so it's fine Y/n: but who's gonna take Dustin Steve: we can stop by to pick him up before I drop you off Nancy: and I'll wait with him Y/n: thank you They smiled and me and Steve ran out I got in his car we drove to his house we made it there and k got out suddenly he picked me up Y/n: STEVE WHAT ARE YOU DOING STEVE! He threw me in his pool it was so cold Y/n: oh my god it's so cold! Steve took his sweater off and suddenly jumped in I splashed him with water Steve: what the fuck! I laughed and tried to swim away but he caught me he lifted me up and spun me in the water I wrapped my arms around his neck as he caught my legs I laughed a little he dropped me in the water we made it the deep end where I couldn't reach but he could I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist for support Steve: can you not reach? Y/n: no I can't Steve smiled and lifted me out of the water we left the dance at 8 and got home at 8:30 it took 30 minutes and we would be there at 10 and it was 9:17 so we would have to get going steve got out Steve: my parents aren't home so you can come in I nodded following him he put his sweater in the dryer with some sweat pants and pajama pants and a hoodie I sat on his bed worn a towel he walked back in a few minutes later with the sweater he was wearing earlier and sweats they were warm from the dryer Steve: here Y/n: thank you He gave me a smile and I went and changed I walked out he was in pajama pants and shirtless Steve: here's a bag for your dress Y/n: thanks steve Steve: anytime I smiled at the boy and put my dress in the bag he slid his hoodie on and we both got in the car my hair was still wet so was his but his was more damp it looked perfect we pulled up to the snow ball and I stepped out Nancy: why'd your hair wet Y/n: pool Dustin: you went swimming in this weather? I nodded and Dustin got in the car Y/n: thanks guys Nancy nodded And I got in the car we pulled up to the house Y/n: thanks Harrington Steve: no problem Y/n: bye Steve: bye