Part One

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Amelia's POV:

The morning of our first wedding anniversary had been an early start. At 7am, as most people were either still in bed or had just begun their morning rituals, I had already arrived at my restaurant, 'Li'l Mommii's' after a 3:30am trip to the local fish market. As I deposited the catch of the day onto it designated shelf in the huge walk in refrigerator, the doorbell rang. Signaling the fresh produce from farmer Tuck had arrived.

I love Tuck to the moon. He had taken my siblings and I in when our mother fell ill. And raised us until she was better. He was the closest thing I had to a father. I open the door quickly and throw my arms around his neck. "Pops" I say as soon as he manages to pry me off. "Mia" he replies sweetly. Without another word between us, I start to follow him to the old, beat up grey truck he's always used to transport his wares.

After all of the vegetables are inside in their signature wooden crates, I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and hand him a stack of twenties. "Love you, Pops, see you on Wednesday" I offer as a parting. We have supper together at his farm once a week. this week, I am making him Ratatouille. "Love you too, My sweet." Tuck answered back. "Just make sure to remember the crates this time. Some of the folks at the farmers' market are starting to complain about me playing favorites." "Oh, What a shame!" I called to him form the service door, where i was holding it open with my bodyweight as I watched him get into the truck. 

To say my day at work was hectic would be the understatement of the century. Between half the staff calling in sick (thanks to a new viral disease wiping out half the frickin' town) to the new sous chef refusing to help any of the 'lesser' workers do anything, to the heated back and forth with the wine distributor, coupled with a general feeling of exhaustion I was stressed by closing time. I just couldn't wait to see my husband and celebrate with him.

Jethro's POV:

Mia was gone by the time I woke up this morning. My usual ability to sleep like the dead had slowly become me having to wake if Mia wasn't around. I had gotten so used to her warm body sleeping beside me. It was only 8 when I got up and went for a shower. Much earlier than I had planned to wake up on my day off.

As I exited the shower, I came to focus on my ring. After losing Shannon and Kelly a wedding ring became a reminder of what I had lost. In my subsequent marriages it was like a prison. A reminder of all that I was failing at. Of how unhappy I had made them. This time though it seemed to simply be a genuine way to express the love and trust Mia and I have shared since i first had the good fortune of stumbling into her life. It helped that Mia didn't try to force me to forget my girls. I had caught her on occasion not only praying to God but using her evening prays to try to communicated with Shannon or Kelly. Almost as if asking for their blessing to love me. I had never been a religious man, but Mia was devoted to God and her vows.

Throughout my relationship, and later marriage, with Mia I have come to realize that the fatal flaw of my three prior failed marriages was that I was trying to get a woman that would be able to replace Shannon. Though I knew that wasn't ever going to be possible, I felt like I had to try for sanity's sake. But Mia was different. She wasn't at all trying to be Shannon. And she didn't dream of changing Kelly's room into something 'more practical' as Diane had tried while I was away on assignment. Instead, she only ever goes into the room to dust or simply to bask in what she swears is the residual love that still lived in the room itself. For the first time, I had someone who loved me for me. Not for the promise of better days or higher pay. I had someone who was genuinely as excited about my boats and old black-and-white westerns as I. And, I thank God or the universe or whatever else everyday for Her and her love. 

As I walked into the kitchen to make a quick bite to eat, I noticed the plate on top of the new gas stove. A plate piled high with a classic American dinner breakfast. All made from scratch. And a note taped to the cling film that protected the delicious looking meal. "Had to leave for work early. Fish market and Produce Delivery day. Happy Anniversary. dinner rez, 2-nite. xoxoxo Mia". I pocketed the note to add to my secret selection of Mia's handwritten notes, and plopped the plate into the microwave. I greedily gobbled up the delicacy and then started the coffee pot to brew.

A smile was plastered on my face as I worked in the basement and sipped slowly on my fourth mug of coffee for the day. As I was sanding, my phone began to ring. I quickly hit the mute button on the local news and answered it. "Yeah, Gibbs" "Hey boss-" Tony started from the other end of the phone. "DiNozzo I swear.." I interrupted. "Boss, its not a case. Just wanted to check in since you weren't at work today" "I have the day off. Jenny's orders" "Well since when has that ever stopped you?"

I hang up the phone with a click and decide it is time to switch to something a bit stronger to drink. I also work on the finishing touches to Mia's gift. Keeping Mia a secret from work was not something I liked, but I do it to keep her save from the possible repercussions. Sometimes, I wonder how my nosey team, the same team which keeps trying to set me up with any woman they perceive to be near my age, hadn't managed to notice the platinum ring on my left hand. The ring that, for the last year now, has displayed I am taken by the most beautiful young woman I've known since Shannon. I chuckle to myself as I set to work.

Amelia's POV:

After a half hour drive in the dark, I finally pulled into the driveway. Opting to park there so I didn't have to get out of the car to press the garage button. Also, so we can take my car to the reservation to avoid either the loud roar of the pick up or the unwanted stares that taking the muscle car would offer. As I approached the front door, I barely caught the basement light flick off. "Baby, I'm home!" I call as I pull off the navy blue NIS hoodie I had stolen from Jay on of the first nights I had 'Stayed over'. As I entered the living room, Jay was walking through the dining room. His silvering hair was messy and he wore his lounge pants and a ratty, well-loved marines PT shirt. This is how I love to see him most, relaxed and comfortable. But he can sure rock a suit when he wants to. He walked over to me and sat beside where I had plopped on the couch, leaning over to kiss my temple. "Don't do that Jay. I stink" I protest pulling at my black chef coat, trying to get it to stop clinging to me long enough to catch my breath after such a taxing day. "I just need a minute then I'll go get cleaned up. We have reservations at 10." He shot me the classic 'don't give me that' glance before wriggling his eyebrows playfully. "10 you say, so we have an hour" He teased, obviously preferring a much more carnal way to celebrate the special day. "Actually we have about twenty minutes." I respond. Getting up and heading to the downstairs bathroom just off the kitchen. "Commute you know" with that I slinked into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

While in there, I spent a considerable amount of time simply letting the steaming hot water wash over me while caressing my stomach. I had been keeping this happy secret for almost three months now. It isn't like anyone would be able to notice the change this early on anyway. My thick frame was good at hiding a few extra pounds here and there. Sometimes I wonder why Jay switched 'his type' to the likes of me so easily after dating such beautiful women. I wouldn't dare ask him though. He would get all up in arms that I 'couldn't see my true beauty'. But tonight, the secret will be out. This is the best anniversary gift I could give him. which is the whole reason I have been torturing myself by not telling Jay right away. 

It's gonna be great!!!

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