Crime Report oh no...

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Patch: ..And now your crime report with Bone and Creek

Bone:  -_-

Creek: Well, one crime I can think of is when Greywing started to rape everybody at Dreamclan. Even the dudes.

Bone: *nods* That was furking creepy.

Ice: I still have nightmares about running way from him.. O.o

Willow: *pats Ice*

Creek: Oh and remember dat one cat? UnnamedShadowCat, that kept trying to murder Silva?

Silver: She wash such a stalker..  ._.

Bone: Creek, look at what de reporters jus brought in!

Creek: OMG dash actually news! Amberstar ish sabotaging herself as Cleiopaw! She's planning to take out other leaders as well!

Puma: No way! I knew there was something up with Cleiopaw..

Patch: I knew she was a bish. -_-

Creek: And their was a murder at DC! Apparently, some apprentice was jealous of a new litter his mom gave birth to and he killed dem all!

Willow: Dash awful.

Random: Jealousy can make the mind do crazy things. It's fun to watch people go insane.  :3

Kunai: -_- Not now, Randy.

Fire: Yeah, not cool.

Random: -3- Haters.

Creek: Ok, heres de warning for yall who are afraid of getting murdered. Bone?

Bone: Don't pizz Willz off, she's running out of places to hide da bodies.

Willow:  -.-


Everybody: *runs screaming from willow*

Willow: (now alone in studio) XD I wasn't even gonna do anything.

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