UnNature Report

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Patch: ..And now your Nature Report with Willow and Crow.

Crow: Wash nature? Ish dat a video game?  o.o

Willow: *facepaw*

Creek: You are so disappointing on so many levels.  -_-

Crow: Thank you! ^-^

Ice: *slow head shake* -_-

Willow: Anyway, about the Birch Fores-what? *producer comes up and whispers in her ear*

Willow: *whispering* they cut it down? What about the Oaks?

Producer: whisperwhisperwhisper

Willow: *whispering*A forest fire? Well, what about the state park?

Producer: whisperwhisperwhisper

Willow: *whispering* It's closed due to poison Ivy? What should I say then?

Producer: whisperwhisperwhisper

Willow: Well, here's your report folks. Loggers are killing the rainforest and all the animals in it, so we have lost 70 percent of Earth's oxygen and the human race is predicted to die out in 2060. Plus pollution is causing babies to be born with one eye, horns, a tail, and laser vision. Tigers, Polar Bears, and Giant Salamanders have all gone extinct. Snow Leopards and Pineapples are next.

Random+Fire: Pineapples..  ;-;

Willow: On the other hand, because of global warming, it's gonna be hotter than shiz out there. And frankly, I would buy a bunker now because the zombie apocalypse is predicted to happen in 3 years cause of all the radioactive waste in the ocean. Anyone wanna say somethin since Crow ish chasing a bug? -_-


Rest: YAY!!!  *All run toward White House with torches and pitchforks*

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