chapter 1

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December 20th, 2021
📍London, UK

Tonight was a big night for the young actress, it was her first ever BAFTA's and she had been nominated for two solo awards and one project award. Georgina was up for winning the Best Young Actor/Actress, Best Supporting Actress and her newest film 'Little Women' was nominated for Best Period Film.

Georgina was sat in her dressing room, surrounded by a hair and make-up crew. There was dim music playing in the background and chatter throughout the room creating an excited atmosphere. She was pretty used to these sort of events now, she's done a couple in the past few years.

Tonight she was here with her her mum, dad and little sister, this would the first time she's going to an award show without a member of the 'Stranger Things' cast. It didn't make her too nervous but she did like having at least one of them there as a safety blanket. What if she knew no-one there and had to stay awkwardly with her parents all night?

She was snapped out of her thoughts when her phone started buzzing on the bed. She couldn't really move whilst getting her make-up done so one of the crew members passed her the phone to which she quickly pressed accept after reading the name.

"Gina!" her best friend cried excitedly down the phone.

"What Noah?" she responded to her best friend, Noah Schnapp, who couldn't make it tonight.

"Have you seen the seating plan for tonight?" he

For these sort of events, you don't get a choice as to where your sat. If you're there with a show or movie, then your sat with them and your family wait in the family section. Today she was here by herself with her family so they had their own table, but had no clue what other celebrities would be around them.

"No, I didn't realise that it was released yet," I responded, normally the seating plans were a complete surprise on the day.
"Your on the side, next to this English soccer player... ughh I forgot his name..." he blurted out, "I dunno why a soccer players at the BAFTA's but y'know."

It wasn't unknown for athletes to go to these sort of events, it brings in more viewers for both the event and the athlete, so it's a win-win for both parties really.

"Ok, wait, that's kinda good I guess... my dad loves football too so they can just chat about that," this wasn't the worst situation for her to be in at the moment.

"Georgina, we're all done. Just need to get you into that dress," her make-up artist interrupted the conversation and pointed to the gorgeous pale pink dress hung up on the mirror.

"Ok, Noah, I gotta go, love you lots, text me laterrr," Georgina directed her attention back to her best friend.
"Byeeee Gi, good luck, don't worry about the cameras and just talk to people," he responded. The girl found it so strange that he wasn't here like usual, normally she relied on him to do all the talking as she wasn't the most outgoing of people - ironic for a famous actress.

With a bit of help, she carefully slipped into the dress, pulling the thin straps over her shoulders. Whilst the stylist decorated her neck and hands with delicate jewellery, she took the time to admire the dress. It was just as beautiful as it was in the fittings. It was the perfect shade of baby pink, with an ornate lace covering the main body of the dress. There was a slit up one of the legs and a slight train following behind her. She felt beautiful and sexy - Georgina's always been aware that some people still view her as the 10 year old girl on 'Stranger Things'. She wanted people to realise that she was growing and becoming a young woman, which is why this dress had the perfect balance of everything.

"Yes... yes,yes." She responded, she was trying to muster up as much confidence as she could. She left the room with many words of encouragement shouted from her team making a large smile form on her lips.

She greeted her family outside the room, all of them also dressed up for the occasion and followed the group of security of the hotel and into a taxi.

She often felt nervous for nights like these, all the cameras, unknown people, making speeches ect. It wasn't even worry as much for if she won the actual award. She was learning to deal with it and once she was there, she knew she'd have a nice time.

After a short car journey they arrived. Already lights flashing from outside the car with paparazzi shouting, wanting the first glimpse of the young star. Her mum grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze followed by a small kiss on the check.
Her family climbed out first and were quickly guided into the venue for tonight and then she stepped out and the flashes picked up even more.

She held on small smile of her face, whilst security showed her the way through the crowd and towards the red carpet.

And so the night began, continuous flashes and shouts being hollered from all directions. She would definitely sleep well later.


AN: hiii :) idrk what im doing here 😭 i hope u enjoy this story, if u have any ideas for what could happen then feel free to lmk. pls bare with me, i might take a while to update sometimes.
this sounds so dramatic , no one's probably going to ever ready this. but if u do, hi.
also i'm imagining the dress that Lily James wore to the oscar's in 2022 ;)

EDITED: guys when i wrote this i was unaware of the noah schnapp situation which is why he's no longer included in the story! i promise i've seen ur messages but i don't have the patience to go back through the story and change things so please ju...

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EDITED: guys when i wrote this i was unaware of the noah schnapp situation which is why he's no longer included in the story! i promise i've seen ur messages but i don't have the patience to go back through the story and change things so please just bare with me xx

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