chapter 3

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December 20th, 2021
📍London, UK 🇬🇧

"It's my greatest pleasure to award Best Young Actress to... Georgina!" the presenter announced through the microphone.

The crowd clapped and cheered, a spotlight turned to her, her family jumped up and gave her a big hug, as the camera pointed to capture the celebration. Georgina followed a member of staff from her table up to the stage, making brief eye contact with a certain footballer.

She reached the stage, took the hand of a security guard to help her up the steps. Award in one hand, microphone in the other, a second round of applause began as she started her speech, thanking her family, manager and cast mates.

The actress took her time walking back to her seat, stopping to thank people congratulating her. Finally nearing her table, she sat down, her dad grabbed the award, examining it.

"Not bad, ay?" he said.

"Oh, well done, sweetie," her mum pulled her into an embrace and kissing her cheek, "so proud of you."

Georgina felt a small tap and her shoulder and turned around to face the woman that she recognised from the table next to her. She had her slicked back in a bun, wearing a long LV jacket and dainty black and white heels.

"Hi darling, I'm Jude and Jobe's mum over there, Denise. I just wanted to congratulate you, I didn't get a chance earlier," the woman stated.

Georgina glanced over to see the three men remaining on the table all staring over at the encounter, a small grin spreading on her lips.

"Hi, thank you," she replied to Denise.

"I can't even begin to describe how much you made me cry in 'Little Women'," she began.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry-"

"No- no,no,no, it was beautiful." Denise corrected.

"Aww, thank you," Georgina blushed white letting out a breathy laugh.

"Honestly, this one doesn't know how to take a compliment," Georgina's mum interrupted, sarcastically shaking her head, followed by the girl resting her head in her hand on the table.

"Haha, no worries, you must be so proud," the two mothers began their own conversation about anything and everything.

Georgina looked up at her sister who was side-eyeing her dad, who was also engaged in a conversation with Jude and Jobe's dad across the tables; probably talking about football or maybe the recent Euros as every now and then Jude would chime into the conversation. Mel changed the sisters attention back to fans on the balcony's; Georgina took the time to wave up to a few of them, starting a small chain of cheers which made the table giggle.

After a good ten minutes of the parents talking, Denise took leave back to her own table.
"Well, I won't take any more of you time," she directed the conversation back to the whole table. "Good luck with the rest of the awards, darling," patting Georgina's shoulder lightly.

"Thank you," she responded, smiling up at the woman, "it was nice meeting you."

Georgina watched as she returned to her table and glanced again at the two young boys. Jobe smirked and leant over to whisper something into Jude's ear. The girl couldn't help but wonder what that could be about.


After a little while, they began more awards. Georgina wasn't nominated for any of these, she had a wait a little longer for her two categories. In the mean time, she spent a lot a time smiling and clapping for other actors and actresses, many of which she admired greatly. Meryl Streep won Best Actress, which made Georgina jump to her feet. She had worked with Meryl a lot when filming 'Little Women' and loved her deeply. She was only 16 when taking up the role of 'Amy March' and Meryl definitely took the girl under her wing and Georgina learnt a lot from their time filming together.

She watched the big screen as Meryl Streep gave her speech, gazing up at her in admiration, however, she couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on her the whole time. She tried to ignore it, even though she wanted to look herself, she couldn't.

A few more awards went on until it was time for another category she was nominated for: Best Supporting Actress. She wasn't expecting to win this one at all, and she wasn't really bothered considering she was up against some of the incredible actresses.

This award was presented by singer, Sir Tom Jones, he took to the stage and began the announcement.

"For this category, Best Supporting Actress, we have six contenders," he began. Once again the nominees flashed up one by one in the screen, showcases the role they were nominated for.
"And with the greatest honour, the winner is... Cate Blanchett for 'Don't Look Up',"

Georgina's family sat back in disappointment, she just merely smiled and clapped her hands. She wasn't surprised, besides, how could you complain about losing an award to an actress like Cate Blanchett? Even just being nominated in the same category as them is an achievement in itself.

After another short break, they were preparing for the next award: Best Period Film. Apparently, Jude was announcing this one with his England Teammate, Declan Rice. She did hope that 'Little Women' won this award, not only because she wanted the film to win, but because she wanted to see Jude.

Jude introduced them and stated what this award was, followed by a showing of the different film's nominated.
Then Declan took his turn to announce the winner.
"The winner for Best Period Film is... 'Little Women' directed by Greta Gerwig." he revealed.

Once again, another round of applause began as the director and few of the cast members gathered on stage. Georgina was stood between Florence Pugh and Meryl Streep as Greta Gerwig took to the microphone for her speech.

She thanked the crew and the cast members for helping her vision of the classic story come to life. Each of the cast members took it in turns to thank the fans and anyone else they wanted, before returning back to their individual seats.

Once again, Georgina took her time walking back to her seat, making sure to say hi to everyone. Back at the her seat, Denise shouted out her congrats, making the two tables giggle a bit.

After the last award, all the lights turned back on; end of the show. Georgina pulled her phone out her bad to see all the messages from her friends, most of them from Noah.

omg yesss
i'm so proud of u
i fucking told u
also don't think i didn't see u and jude

She just shook her head and laughed at her best friends messages, she quickly replied and then a guard come over and escorted them out the hall, after the girls parents said goodbye to the footballers family. They went back to the hotel room, before quickly getting ready for the afterparty.

She's was bit apprehensive about the afterparty, she only really wanted to go with hopes of seeing the footballer.

'What if he's not even there?' she thought, he wasn't an actor, only a special guest. Do they get invited to the BAFTA's afterparties? Guess she'll find out later.

AN: i'm aware we're now three chapters in and they haven't actually had a conversation yet but it's cominggg dw sorryyyy :)

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