chapter 27

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January 28th, 2022
📍Barcelona, Spain 🇪🇸

Waking up this morning was warm and comfortable.
Georgina head was nestled into Jude's neck, his arms wrapped around her frame, their legs intertwined. Jude was awake first, well maybe only half-awake, and gently running his fingers through her curly hair.

Georgina groaned as she was awoken by an alarm clock - a much less relaxing start to the day than Jude. He tighten his grip around her, not wanting to let her go just yet.

"Morning," his voice muffled into her hair.

She buried her face further into his side, "hi."

"Wow, I forgot how much a morning person you are," Jude stated, sarcastically.

"I don't wanna go," Georgina grumbled.

Jude chuckled, "I don't want you to either, but we both know that Sadie will be knocking on the door in approximately fifteen minutes if you aren't out there."

That only caused the girl to sigh again.

"C'mon," Jude said, pulling the covers off their entwined bodies and clambering out the bed, "up."

"I'm up, I'm up," she said, making her way to the en-suite.

Once Georgina was done in the bathroom, she wandered back out in fresh change of clothes, only to see Jude led back down in bed on his phone.

"Hey, if I have to get up, so do you."

"What about the fact that I can't leave this room without cameras seeing me leaving your room?" he pointed out.

She glared at him, "Okay, whatever."

Jude laughed, knowing he won that argument, "sorry Gi," he shrugged, "rules are rules."

"Oh, be quiet," she rolled her eyes.

"You should be off soon," Jude said, walking over to her, placing his hands either side of her face, "it would be nice if you actually smiled before you leave."

"See, much better," he also grinned once she gave a fake smile, "Sadie will be here-"

He was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"-any second," he finished.

"Bye," Georgina said, "don't miss me too much."

"I'll try," he nodded, "might be difficult though."

She flashed him a very unenthusiastic look before leaving the room with Sadie which made Jude chuckle.

"Well hello," Sadie greeted, "wow, you don't look as happy as I thought you would today."

"No, I am happy. Just tired," Georgina explained, as the pair began their walk down the long corridors.

"Not get much sleep last night?" Sadie joked.

"I got plenty of sleep, thank you very much," the blonde discarded, "just don't like getting up at 7:30."

"Ah, I always forget what you're like in the mornings," Sadie laughed, poking Georgina's side, "my favorite little morning person."

Georgina yawned and batted her hand away, "get off."

"What's Jude getting up to today then?" Sadie changed the subject, pushing through a set of double doors.

"Not sure, anything that doesn't involve leaving this hotel." 

"Sounds like he's being held prisoner."

Georgina shrugged, "his choice, not mine."

"You don't sound too sympathetic, Gi," Sadie joked, nudging her friend.

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