chapter 34

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February 18th, 2022
📍UK 🇬🇧

"Happy early birthday," Jude spoke.

"How are you here?" Georgina asked, still in shock.

"Magic aren't I?" he joked.

She laughed, "you're an idiot, come here," she pulled his arm through the door and he instantly bent down to kiss her lips.

"Ooo," Georgina heard two sets of giggles, turning around to see her two best friends peering around the corner.

"Don't mind us," Lucy stepped forward, "we were just leaving."

"That's Luce and Alicia," Georgina introduced her boyfriend to her best friends, "and this is Jude."

"Yeh, no shit," they laughed.

"I don't know, just checking," she said under her breath.

"Okay, girl," Lucy laughed, "we'll leave you two to it now."

"See you tomorrow birthday girl," Alicia grinned, pulling Georgina into a tight hug.

Georgina could have swore she saw Lucy mouth something to Jude, she just couldn't make out what it was. Decided not to dwell on it, probably wasn't anything important.

"Don't stay up too late you lot," Alicia warned, making Jude snicker, "got a long day tomorrow."

"Yep, not like you haven't told us a hundred times," Georgina laughed, "I'll catch Jude up on the plans once you've left."

"I know," he spoke from behind her, his hand rested on her hip.

"He knows," the other girls spoke in unison.

"Maybe he'll catch you up once we've left," Alicia pointed.

"What?" she turned to look at him, her brows furrowed together with confusion.

"Bye babe, see you when you're legally an adult," Lucy laughed, waving over her shoulder as she left with Alicia following.

"Okay, I'm so confused," Georgina muttered whilst closing her back to the door.

"They made me come out here," Jude answered her questions.

"Oh, they 'made' you?" she said with raised eyebrows and crossed arms.

"Noo, they helped me. With times and shit," he laughed, "so I know all the plans for tomorrow."

"Right..." she said, slight undertone of suspicion in her voice.

"What?" he smiled at her, rubbing his hands over her waist and hips, her arms were locked over his shoulders.

"I'm so confused, what the fuck?" she laughed, "how are you here?"

"Like I said, I'm magic," he grinned.

"Oh, shush," she pressed her lips to his, threading her fingers through his curls.

"No, don't get me started," he warned, "we have a busy day tomorrow, a very special ladies eighteenth birthday."

"Is it really?"

"Mhm," he nodded towards the stairs, "c'mon."

The couple went upstairs and got ready for bed, Jude found his clothes from his last stay at her house whilst she was in the bathroom.

She clambered into his arms, nestling against his side. He stroked his fingers along her shoulder, gently moving her hair from her face.

Didn't take them long to fall asleep, as usually Jude waiting for her to drift off first. He loved watching her sleep - in a non-creepy way of course. She always looked so effortlessly beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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