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Urgh!! Too much attention! I hate it. I walked with my group until we reached our class. Thankfully, we had same classes. We went to sit on the very last seats. It's more peaceful in the back and we can be free from the weird students who are following us like creeps.

I'm Jennie Kim. 22 years old and was a single child until my dad told me that he married a woman I don't even know. I was mad at him at first but decided to let go. My new mom seems to be nice with me. And her  daughter also my stepsister,

She's hot and sexy.

"Jennie, you didn't told us about your new family" Lisa said and by the tone of her voice, I knew that she's smirking. "They're good. Mom is very sweet but Y/n, she's something different" I said and they lifted their eyebrows in curiosity.

"Girls, she's hot but at the same time innocent as fuck. I touched her leg under the table, I told her that I'm checking her out and also pinned her on the wall but she still didn't realize that I was clearly hitting on her" I said and they nodded their heads in agreement.

They all know that I'm a playgirl. Actually, they are the same. We are four girls in our group. Me, Lisa, Rosie and Jisoo unnie. We are also known as Blackpink. I'm the second eldest in the group and probably the bitchiest. Jisoo unnie is like the mother of the group. Rosie, all she can think about is girls or food and last but not the least Lisa, she's the funniest but can be mean as hell.

We are together since our childhood so when I told them that I'm leaving my old school, they decided to join my new school with me. Much to my relief. We always stick together especially when we are doing something mischievous. We know every single thing about each other.

"Maybe she's just playing innocent. I mean she's just acting like that but in reality she knows what you're trying to do with her. I'm just saying this because I don't think that nowadays anyone is innocent" Jisoo unnie said and shrugged. Well, she's right. It could be possible.

"How do I find out if she's just acting or not?" I asked while raising my left eyebrow. "Jennie, you know that better. You just have to get close to her" This time Rosie answered and I smirked. I'm best at getting close to girls and by being close I mean on top of them when both of us are naked. I've done that a lot of times before so It's nothing new for me.

And if you're confused about why on earth are we talking like this about my stepsister, then let me tell you that we've planned this the day dad told me that I'm gonna have a stepsister. When I told them, they said that they'll have a taste of my sister and I agreed but of course I'll be the first one.

"You're right, I'll handle her" I said with a smirk plastered on my lips. But wait! What if she's already in a relationship? I think she is with that girl who came to pick her up from home in the morning. They seemed to be close but I don't care. I just want to have a one-night-stand with her and after that I'm done.

Time skip

"Hurry the fuck up girls! I'm so hungry!" Rosie said and I rolled my eyes at her. "Aren't you always hungry?" I asked mockingly and she glared at me. "Ok, just stop right here! I don't want you two to fight" Jisoo unnie spoke and pushed us out of the classroom gently.

Once we were out, everyone stared at us and started mumbling. I hate when they do that, like it's our first day here and they've started this crap. We reached the cafeteria and sat on the free table before Lisa bought food for us. We were eating while talking but I stopped when I saw a familiar face. "Hey girls, see that's Y/n" I said and pointed to the table where Y/n was sitting with a few more girls. They were talking and laughing together.

"Which one?" Jisoo unnie asked. "The one in a red hoodie" I said while my eyes were still on her. She is pouting right now and I just wanna kiss those soft lips. I think they are all teasing her except for that one girl that picked her up in the morning. She's side hugging my Y/n and saying something to the others.

"Hello? Earth to Jennie!" Rosie said bringing me out of my thoughts. I cleared my throat and looked at them. "What is it?" I asked trying my best not to look at her again. "I was saying that she's really pretty. Can I have her number?" Lisa said and looked at Y/n while biting her lip. "No!" I think I shouldn't have said that this quickly.

"I-I mean not yet because I forgot t-to ask for her number too. How about I bring her here so you guys could introduce yourself to her?" I asked while raising my eyebrows. "We'll love it" Rosie said and grinned. I rolled my eyes before getting up.

I made my way to her table and tapped her shoulder to get her attention. She looked at me and I can tell she was shocked to see me here. "H-Hey unnie. Do you want something?" She stuttered while asking and got up. "Hi and yes, I want you." I said with a faint smirk on my face. "Baby, is everything alright?" This girl I swear! How can she call her baby? Are they dating?

"Yeah, Jennie unnie this is Karina unnie, Ryujin unnie, Lia unnie, Yuna unnie and Yeji unnie, my best friends" Y/n said while pointing at the girls. I glared at that Karina and glanced at the others. "Nice to meet you all but Y/n I want you to come with me. My friends want to meet you" I said and grabbed her hand before dragging her. I didn't bother to wait for her response and ignored that Karina girl when she called us back. Thank God, they're not dating.

"Hey girls, This is Y/n my stepsister" I emphasised and squeezed her hand firmly. She was looking a little nervous and I understand why because the girls were literally eye-fucking her right now. "Y/n, this is Lisa, Rosie and Jisoo unnie, my best friends." I said while pointing at each one of them and glared at them to stop with their lustful eyes.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you" Y/n tell shyly and I swear I've never saw something that adorable before. I cracked a smile at her and sat down before pulling her to sit down beside me. "You'll have lunch with us" I said in a commanding tone and she nodded slowly. I patted her head and shared my food with her. She was hesitant about that but I gave her a look and she surrendered.

"So, Y/n do you have a girlfriend or do I have a chance on you?" Lisa asked with a smirk and Y/n stiffened. I swear, Lisa has no control over her mouth. I have to give her a beating for this. "N-No, I'm s-single" Y/n said nervously while stuttering. Is she really that sensitive? I questioned myself mentally and held her hand. "You ok?" I asked lowly and she nodded before cracking a smile at me.

She really is different. Lisa was about to say something but I gave her a look before she could even get a chance. "Y/n, tell me how do you feel like after having Jennie as your elder sister?" Rosie asked her with a cheerful smile but I can see that mischievous smirk behind that smile. She purposely called me her sister instead of stepsister. That makes a great difference. Like, you can't fuck your sister but I'm her stepsister, see the difference?

"It's actually good. I always wanted an elder sister and it's like a dream come true!" Y/n said excitedly. She's really a little baby. The three of them laughed and Y/n joined them while I just sat there quietly. I don't like this topic. "Why was that Karina girl acting so protective over you?" I asked to change the topic and also because I wanted to make sure that they aren't a thing. "She's always like that. I don't exactly know why but I think it's because I'm the youngest amongst them and she doesn't want me to get in any trouble." Y/n said and took a bite of pizza.

"Hmm, but tell her not to worry about it anymore. I'm here for you and I'll protect you from now on"

Stepsister Jennie Kim X female reader Where stories live. Discover now