turning my boyfriend into me

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Still Into You-Paramore

Johnnie Guilbert

I decided to turn my boyfriend into me for a video so I got up and headed to his rooms opened his door to see him sitting on his bed on his phone "hey" I said stitting beside him "hey what's up?" he asked opening his arms for me to sit with him, I sat in his lap and he wrapped his arms around me "so-i was thinking for a video that I turn you into me!" I said happily looking hopefully at him "yeah let's do it!" I smile and kiss him before getting up and going to the living room setting up the camera as he sat down off the couch. I sat down beside him and did my intro "hey guys its y/n and today I'm with my boyfriend Johnnie!" I said pointing to him as he waved "hey" "so today I thought it would be a good idea to turn my boyfriend into me. so I have a few questions before we start! and you have to answer them with how you think I would answer" I said while looking at Johnnie "oh god- I am not prepared for this" he said sitting up a bit more, I laughed and acted like I had a microphone in my hand

"ok first question! what is your favorite color?" I asked pointing the "microphone" at him "red" he answered confidently "CORRECT!! ok next question! what is my favorite album??" I asked pointing the make shift microphone at him again "Too Weird To Live,Too Rare To Die by Panic! At The Disco at the moment because it changes every other day" he said unsure "ill let that pass" I said looking at the camera "ok last question, what is my favorite animal" "umm-shit this is tough because it changes like every other day.." he said thinking as I looked offended at the camera making Johnnie laugh "umm id have to say a tiger" "no-your fucking wrong" I said staring blankly then smiling not able to stop myself we both laughed then we calmed down so I could explain what the first thing is.

"Ok so me and Johnnie have two VERY different styles as Johnnie is- well-emo.. and I am not-" (sorry if you are this is kind of how I am) I looked at Johnnie to see that he was already looking at me "so I got you some things- I got you some baggy jeans and a baggy Lana Del Rey shirt" I said handing him the clothe, he grabbed them and inspected them "are these even going to fit me??" he asked holding them up "yes I got them in your size" he looked at them "ok go change!!" I said happily and he got up and went to the bathroom to change.

he walks out and come back to the couch and sitting back down "omg!!! you look so good! just wait for the make up" "these jeans actually fit perfectly" he said surprised "really?? I was unsure of the size". "ok time for make up and hair!" I said happily as we walk to the bathroom with Jake following us with the camera.

I sat on the counter and Johnnie stood beside me "so we need to part your hair" I said trying to part his hair, helped me and eventually we did it "ok now makeup, we only have 7 steps so not that much!" I said as I pinned his bangs back with some clips "ok first things is a lash curler" I said holding it up "does that take them off??" he asked scared "no- don't worry it curls them so you can see them better" I said holding it up, after a couple attempts of trying I finally did and then we did mascara "ok now we have highlighter, ok so I out this in the corner of the eyes so I need you to look at me" he looked at me quickly

"goddamn why was that low-key a little scary" I laugh a little and finish the highlighter "now I do eyebrows which I have brown eyebrows so its obviously gonna be brown-but I think it will look good" I did his eyebrows "ok NOW I do chapstick" I put the chapstick on his lips "and I don't usually do blush but- your looking a little pale" "yeah I'm always fucking pale" I laugh and do his blush "ok I'm done" I said turning him around and jumping off the counter.

he looked into the mirror "wow-i look just like you" I nod "yeah I know we could be twins" I said going a long with his joke. "ok last thing that you need to become me issss.... headphones and a phone" I said handing them to him ,he grabs them and plugs the headphones into the phone and puts the phone is in his back pocket as the headphone are in his ears "I love Lana Del Rey!" he said in a girly voice "is this what I actually sound like?!" I asked flabbergasted (I love that word) and looking at the camera. after I ended the video Johnnie took the make up off and changed then we watched tv.


most likely going to redo because I hate this

Johnnie Guilbert  AND Jake Webber imagines Where stories live. Discover now