~Chapter 6~

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Chapter 6: Welcome to Cali and Into the Big Time Pt. 2


I stepped out of the limo, grabbing my carry-on and one of my suitcase in the process. I'll probably have to make a second trip. I stared up at the Palm Woods building. It was definitely really nice, even considering how I grew up living in a Mansion since My dad is kinda.. how do you say, Rich. So I've pretty much always had money, since my dad is always inventing something. But I am no way stuck up. I absolutely hate people like that. I started walking towards the building as Alison, Claire, Jesse, and Kasie got out after me and got their luggage. As I was walking, I wasn't paying attention, and I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh My god. I'm sorry. I should've been paying attention." I said, looking up. The blonde girl I had bumped into smiled. "It's alright, I'm Joanna but you can call me Jo." She said, sticking out her hand. I smiled, shaking her hand. "I'm Breana. I just got here now. I'm from Mission Creek, Missouri. " I explained. "What are you here for? Singing, acting.." Jo asked me. "Singing actually. My friends and I were recently asked to come out and do a demo run." I told her. "Oh, so you guys are going to be the female singers to go with Big Time Rush." Jo said. I looked at her. "Yep. how did you know exactly?" I asked. "I know the boys in the band, living here and all." Jo explained. I smiled again. "Well that's convenient. Would you mind showing me around a bit?" I asked.

"I would love too if the guys don't beat me to it. And you could meet Camille, one of my best friends. She's an actress as well." Jo told me. "Cool. And Kasie, Jesse, Alison and Claire would l probably like to meet her too if that's alright. We'ree all new, very new around here and it would be great to make more friends." I told Jo. She nodded. "I would love to meet them. And you seem really nice so consider us friends already and if need anything, just ask me or Camille." Jo said. "Thank you very much on that. I, well we need to get to our apartments and decide who is living with who, so I guess I'll see you around." I told her. "I need to go to. Camille needs my help practicing a script. I'll definitely see you around." Jo said, hugging me before she left. "So, I see you met Jo." Logan said, walking up to me. "Yeah, she is really nice." I remarked. "She is. Do you want help with your bags? The guys and I already got our few bags upstairs to 2J." Logan asked. "Actually, I'll helop her." James told Logan as he walked up to us. "Ok, I'll go find Kasie." Logan told him, backing away. Weird, both of them could have helped me.

"Thanks James, I would love help. Otherwise I would have to make a second trip. And it's very hot here." I told James. "Your Welcome." James said, grabbing the rest of my suitcases from the limo. "Now, My lady, to the lobby." James said as we walked inside. I saw Logan helping Kasie, Carlos helping Alison, Kendall helping Jesse and Kelly helping Claire. Interesting. I walked up to the front desk with Kasie, Alison, Claire, and Jesse. Mr. Bitters, the Apartment Manager at the desk looked a little bit scary maybe and I swallowed lightly. I was going to speak but Alison beat me to it. "Hello, uh Mr. Bitters sir, All five of us, Kasie, Claire, Breana, Jesse, and I, Alison are new here and we need three apartments to share between us." She said. Mr. Bitters looked up. "Ah yes, Alison Carlinn, Jesse Darning, Clair Worthy, Kasie Everlett and Breana Davenport. Mr. Griffin called with Gustavo yesterday night for you five, disturbing my sleep nonetheless. But, the apartments booked for you are 2K, 2L, and 2M. You can decide who stays where." He told us, handing out six sets of keys. "Thank you, we'll be on our way up now." Alison said.

"So, who stays where exactly?" I asked as Alison, Jesse, Claire, Kasie and I walked back to the boys. "I think I should stay with Breana." Claire said. "Yeah, and I'll stay with Alison." Kasie said. "Alright, I'm fine with that." Alison said. We all looked over at Jesse. "I'm fine with being by myself. I'll take 2M." Jesse told us. "We call 2K." I said. "Ok, we'll take 2L." Alison said, handing up the appropriate keys. "Great. We just need to go up and unpack now. Claire and I will catch up with you guys later. Gustavo mentioned he wanted us in the studio tomorrow as well." I remarked. Alison smiled. "Great. See you later then." She told me, throwing her arms around me. I hugged her back just as tightly. "Of course sister." I said. After she let go of me finally, Claire and I walked over to James and Kelly, while Jesse went with Kendall, Kasie went with Logan and Alison went with Carlos. "Hey James, Kelly." I said. James jaw dropped. "Mr. Bitters is never, I repeat never that nice to anyone." He said. "Well maybe not a lot of people are exactly polite." I told him. "Hockey players.." I muttered under my breath, shaking my head. As all jocks, no matter what sport were at least somewhat stupid, to my experience

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