2. P.E Class

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{Madison's POV}

Once I arrive at school I get out of my black Mustang, searching for Alexa but there's no sign of her, she must be running late.

At that exact time and moment, I see her, the one and only Rebecca... aka the school slut. She's fucked so many guys, that it's literally impossible to count.

"EARTH TO MADISON" Alexa says interrupting me from my thoughts.
"LEXXXX, YOU'RE HERE" I yell quickly pulling her into hug.
"HIIIIIII MADS" she yells hugging me back.

Alexa and I have known each other since we were 3, and now look at us we're 15, 12 years of friendship and there are many more years to come.

*School bell RINGS*
Alexa and I quickly make our ways to our lockers, we both grab our gym bags and head to our first class, which is P.E.

As soon as I enter the gym, I blazed it to the girls change room, quickly putting on my baggy black basketball shorts, and my pink Aeropostale shirt, completing it with my pink and black Adidas shoes.

"Woah, Mads. This is P.E class not a fashion show. BUT OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOUR STYLE IS ON POINT, TEACH ME PLEASE" my class yells in unison.

They all say my style is on point, but I literally don't understand why.

"Alright, now that everyone is changed and ready to go, go run 15 laps around the gym." Ms.Sterns says, demanding us to do so.
{Alexa's POV}

"Alright, now that everyone is changed and ready to go, go run 15 laps around the gym." Ms.Sterns says, demanding us to do so.

P.E is the best, it's the only time I can actually dress like a slob and not worry about what people think, and in fact I actually get compliments from guys when I'm in my P.E clothes.

Once Madison and I are both done our 15 laps, we sat down on the gym floor waiting for the rest of our class to finish. And that's when Rebecca walks in giving me a nasty look, she hates me just because Sammy didn't and doesn't want to hook up with her.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT, MY BROTHER ISN'T INTERESTED IN SLUTS LIKE YOU." I yell, earning a nasty look from her.
"Wilkinson, do me a favour and tell your brother that I don't want his dick, I just want to know if he's a good fucker." Rebecca tells me with a smirk on her face.

She's not only the school slut, but she's also the school bitch.
"Lex don't worry about that asshole, she's not worth thinking about." Madison calmly states.
"I know Mads, but it's just that she gets on my nerves.. I can't stand her, she's a real bitch" I respond to Madison.

"Okay class, so as we all know this week is our second last week at school, therefore I will let you guys do whatever you want to, you have the choices of basketball, soccer, dodgeball, and baseball." Ms.Sterns tells us before walking back into her office.
{Madison's POV}

I quickly turn my head, and I see him.. the one and only school hottie, I've had a massive crush on him since the 3rd grade.. but I doubt the fact he even knows I exist anymore. We used to be best friends and then he got homeschooled for about a year and then came back.. we've never talked ever since then.

"Hey Mads" he says to me.
"Heey" I say cheerfully.

YESSSSS, he does remember me.
•• A/N
I'm going to be updating very often so these chapters will get better, I promise. Please comment on who I should add in the book ••

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