23. Love or Hate?

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{Nate's POV}

"Okay class, today we have to go and prepare the gym for tomorrow's graduation. Quickly pick your partners and half of you make your way towards the gym as for the other half please make your way outside to the football field, we will be doing the graduation ceremony outside and the dance in the gym." Mr.Levs babbled.

Partners, yaaaay! I can spend time with Alexa without having to worry about getting detention, yeah it's happened before. I decided that I should go and ask Alexa to be my partner, but by the looks of it Jack and her are already partners. Is there something going on between the 2 of them? Now who's going to be my partner, ugh.

"Hey Nate. Wanna be partners?" Madison says as she takes a quick glance at Jack and Alexa.
"Yeah, sure." I said weakly, really wanting to be Alexa's partner.

Just by looking at Alexa with Jack, I'm
already getting jealous. I miss my lil' mama. I can't believe Jack is going to try to take her away from me. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Madison tugging at my arm dragging me come to Jack and Alexa. What the hell why did she bring me here.

"Alexa, I-I am starting to have feelings for you." Jack stuttered.
"Jack, I love you." Alexa says in a whisper, knowing both Madison and I are standing close by.

Did I just hear what I think I did!? Does that mean Alexa no longer loves me?! B-But I love Alexa, I thought that would never change. I was shaken out of my thoughts, by Madison whispering something in my ear, I just nodded in response.

"Don't mess with us, bitches." Madison and I both said at the same time.

I thought Alexa was different from other girls, I thought she was loyal, trustworthy, and loving. I guess I was wrong, really wrong. All I want to do right now is cry my eyes out, it's only been a week since I've returned from my kidnapping and she already moved on. Makes me wonder who else she flirted with in the 2 years of me getting kidnapped.

I don't whether I'm angry or hurt, or maybe both. But I know for a fact that I will miss Alexa more than anyone can imagine, I just hope she didn't really mean it when she told Jack she loves him, but one can only hope. After school I'm going to call her, and find out if she really meant it, I hope not.
{Alexa's POV}

"Alexa, I-I am starting to have feelings for you." Jack stuttered.
"Jack, I love you." I say in a whisper, knowing both Madison and Nate are standing close by.

I can't believe I just said that. I'm dating Nate I love Nate. How could I have done such a thing. I just hope Nate didn't hear. I didn't know whats gotten into me, first I kissed my best friend's boyfriend on the cheek and then I go behind my boyfriend's back literally and told his best friend that I love him! NATE PROBABLY HATES ME NOW, UGH.

"Don't mess with us, bitches." Madison and Nate both yelled at the same time.

He hates me. He hates me. He hates me. He hates me. He hates me. He hates me. He hates me. He hates me.

I just lost 2 of my most important people, and it's all because of my stupid mistakes. It's all because of me. My stupid actions and it was all for nothing.
•• A/N
I know this chapter is crappy, and I apologize but the next chapter will be much better I promise. Please comment any feedback and some ideas for the coming up chapters. I love you all so very much ••

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