13. Confession

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{Madison's POV}

I woke up to the sound of Alexa yelling NATE. W-wait, huh?? I swear I need to get my ears checked, I hear the most weirdest things. I swear to god Nate has been gone for 2 years, absolutely nowhere to be found, is it even possible for someone to randomly show up out of nowhere after being missing for the longest time..?

I almost forgot, when I woke up to Alexa yelling NATE, I had also woken up to see a sleepy Jack staring me down.. uh, did I do something wrong last night?? I can just feel the tension between us through his darting eyes. Of course being me, I had to break the awkward silence.

"Jack, why do you look like you didn't get any sleep whatsoever last night..?" I innocently question him.
"Because I didn't Madison." he says sounding aggravated.
"Did I have something to do with the reason to why you didn't get any sleep?" I quietly ask.
"No, no not at all. It was Sam." Jack says with a yawn.
"Sam? What did he do..?" suddenly interested.
"H-he, uh attempted to rape you last night.. he snuck into our room and took you into his." Jack stutters.
"WAIT, HE WHAT??" I say shocked.
"I know. Alexa and I were just as shocked as you are, in fact we walked in on him completely naked attempting to undress you." Jack says in a disgusted tone.
"That explains why you stayed up staring at me." I say before breaking down into tears.
"Mads, why are you crying..?" Jack asks sincerely.
"You stayed up the whole night, ditching your sleep, just to make sure I won't get hurt during the night. Jack, you're beyond perfect.. I can't thank you enough for actually making sure I wouldn't get hurt." I say with even more tears coming down my face.
"Madison, I would do anything for you.. and I just can't trust Sam after last nights incident." Jack says pulling me into a hug.

Jack is just amazing.. he has everything I've ever wanted in a guy. Jack is the one and only love of my life.. yeah we did have our arguments in the past, but the past is in the past.. and we are now living in the present and future.

"Jack, I love you.. quick question though, did they find Nate Maloley.. Alexa's boyfriend..?" I shyly say.
"I love you too babe, and I was just about to ask you the same thing. I heard Alexa open the door and yell 'NATE' so judging from that, yeah.. I think they did find him." Jack says sweetly.
"OMGGGG, I HAVE TO GO SEE HIM, I'VE MISSED HIM FOR THE LONGEST TIME!!" I quietly shout so only Jack could hear me.
"Well, babe lets go freshen up and then we'll go downstairs to see him, alright?" Jack says like a big mawn.
"Okaay, cutie pie." I say like a little kid.

I quickly got up, grabbed my towel and ran to the bathroom, so I can be the first to get ready and so I can see Nate before Jack.

"You really think I won't come in there..?" Jack says with a laugh.
"I know you wouldn't." I say with a small giggle.
"I've seen you naked before, I think I would come in." Jack says devilish.
"I dare you." I said with a smirk plastered to my face.

Just when I thought he wouldn't, he came inside. Worst of all I was completely naked..

"So babe, lets decrease our ecological footprint and take a shower together, the less water we use the better the planet." Jack says with a cute childish laugh.
"How could I say no to that adorable laugh of yours.. but you shall never speak of this to any living soul." I say in my best serious tone.
"I promise baby." Gilinsky says smirking.
"Why do you have to be so adorable?" I ask shyly.
"Why do you have to be so perfect?" he fires back with a smirk.
"Remind me to never try to be a sweet talker.. you always manage to beat me." I say in a a baby voice.
"You know that baby voice drives me insane.. omfg just come here and hug me." Jack sweetly says.

Once we finished taking a shower, we both hopped out of the shower, quickly getting dressed. I changed into a black plain shirt, with washed out white high waisted jean shorts, and put my hair into a high messy ponytail. While Jack wore a plain black shirt, washed out white jeans, and put on a Brooklyn Nets SnapBack. We decided to match up our outfits, because come on we look even hotter like that.

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