Chapter 5: experimentation

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Art by @minasoko nitrite

TW: Gore, blood, human experimentation


After a few weeks of working under Il Dottore, the Harbinger finally let you do some experiments without the constant stare of his or one of his clones. As soon as you arrived this morning, he gave you a stack of papers that needed to be checked and told you he has a meeting with Pantalone concerning some funds for experiments. From what he affirmed, he should be back an hour or two later, three at the maximum. And with that, he asked you to test a formula and inject the product on a healthy patient.

You are quite glad about it. During the last weeks, all he asked was you doing those papers, assisting him in some experiments and studying what he taught you. 

The protocol being already written, you just have to follow it. The steps aren't too problematic, which makes the task even easier. 

You add some charybdotoxin in the solution. The charybdotoxin is a poison you can find in the scorpion in Sumeru. From what you could make out, Dottore is trying to get a new cure against this poison; probably because some Fatuus have died from this venom in the desert, to the point it became too important.

Right after you added the drops of the venom, you hear what is looking like a giggling from a child. That immediately caught your attention. 

Your head immediately looks around but you don't leave your spot. It quite pisses you off that all the tables and tools can be an asset for this potential child since they can easily hide, or at least, being in one of your dead angles.

However, this child doesn't seem to know your presence since you rapidly spot something moving around. In only a few second, the child runs in your direction and immediately stops right in front of you.

His big red eyes are then looking up at you. He has short blue hair and a pale skin; his clothing is looking a bit like children would usually wear. 

You frown as you proceed his appearance. This kid awfully looks like your superior; maybe like a 10 years old version of him. 

"Who are you?" 

His voice is as young as he looks, and sounds quite sweet. You don't let your guard down though: this child could clearly be someone who tries to escape from the creepy basement-like room where all the test subjects are kept.
Before you could reply, you are getting cut by another person's voice.

"#0011, I already told you to not run in the lab. You might make some dangerous products fall."

With that, the little boy run in the direction of the man who just appeared and gets picked up. When you look up, you see one of Dottore's clones who surprisingly doesn't wear a mask. His crimson eyes go from the boy to you. He stays silent for a moment, analysing you from head to toe, before speaking up again.

"May I know who you are?"

His tone is pretty dry, more like a warning about what you should answer.

"The name is (Y/N) (L/N). I started working here as an assistant since a few weeks now."

"Oh well, I sure have heard about you, M. (Y/N)" it is quite crazy how his tone immediately changed and softened, "If I well recall, you have been expelled from the Akademiya, right?"

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