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After that beautiful night, Gemini and Fourth went to sleep together. Pond and Fourth were going to share the same bed but since they couldn't because of Gemini, Pond decided to sleep in couch.

But Phuwin was there too and he was drunk as a skunk to drive back. So Pond decided to give Phuwin the couch and sleep on the matress.

Their night was peaceful after that, especially those two upstairs were so comfortable around each other. They were cuddling each other so tightly, even though it was hot.

"You slept without me for a night, yet you act like it's been like a whole year."

Said Gemini while laughing.

"You know how hard was it for me to sleep without your coconut scent?"

"Do you think it was easy to sleep without your strawberry scent?"

Fourth sighed as he placed a kiss on Gemini's right cheek. Then he placed his head back to Gemini's shoulder and started caressing Gemini's chest while watching his own fingers.

"I don't know how i am going to live without you. Don't ever leave me please."

Gemini kissed Fourth's head and played with his hair, as a sign of assuring him that he wasn't going anywhere.

"You know i love you, right?"

"I know, i know. You were late but still, you realized."


"Don't make that face. I'm sorry."

Fourth pinched Gemini's nipple and started chuckling.

"It hurts!"

"Don't apologize. The most important thing is now you've realized it."



"Do you wanna come and.. meet my parents today?"

Fourth looked at Gemini and started thinking. Fear started running through his veins. In confusion and frustration, he nodded slowly.

"What if they don't like me?"

"I hope they will, love. I called them and told them that i was coming, but i didn't tell them that you were with me."

Gemini placed a peck kiss on Fourth's lips and Fourth smiled widely.

"Thank you, for loving me."

"You're so romantic today, am i gonna die?"

Fourth laughed at Gemini's silly actions and they started to get ready for the day. When Fourth went downstairs, he saw Pond sleeping on the floor and Phuwin's legs are wrapped around him.

"Oh! P'Po-"

"Let them sleep. Let's leave now."

Fourth nodded and they left after a few minutes. They went to get breakfast, and started their way. Gemini's parents were in another city for their work so instead of waiting for them to come back, Gemini took Fourth there.

He held Fourth's hand all way there while Fourth was shy, looking like a tomato ready to explode. But there was still a bit of awkwardness because of the fear.

Soon, they arrived to the restaurant where they were going to meet Gemini's parents. Fourth was hiding behind Gemini's arm and looking around. When Gemini saw his parents, he waved at them.

His parents were shocked to see Fourth with him. They thought "Who is that?" because he looked so close to Gemini.

Gemini got closer and hugged his mom and dad, and then started talking.

"Mom, dad, this is Fourth. My boyfriend, and the love of my life."

Gemini said while holding Fourth's hand and kissing it.

"It's nice to meet you, krub."

Said Fourth, shyly and embarassed. His parents seemed lovely, they started eating their dinner and time went by so quickly. Fourth actually enjoyed being with Gemini's parents.

"Gemini, son, come with me outside for a moment. I'm gonna show you my newest project."

Gemini nodded and he left with his dad, while Fourth and Gemini's mom were left there.

"So.. what is your university degree?"

"I study Law, Khun."

Gemini's mom smiled but then her face turned straight.

"Look Fourth. I know you and Gemini are in the cloud 9 times of your teen ages. But i won't let my son to make a mistake and marry a man. Gemini is going to study abroad soon, and he is gonna become a successful doctor. He can't marry a man and sell his dignity infront of people. I'll give you anything you want, money, and you'll live the best life ever. But you're gonna break up with my son and leave the country. Understood?"

Fourth looked at her in shock and his eyes filled up with tears. He quickly grabbed a napkin and started talking.

"I'm sorry ma'am. But i won't do that. You can't pay me for something like this. You can't compare my love to Gemini with money!"

"I'm sorry son, but i need to use violence and force then."

Fourth's eyes filled up with tears as he looked at her with hatred and left the restaurant crying.

Luckily, Gemini saw him and ran after him.

"Love, my love, what happened? Why are you crying."

Gemini was going to hug him but Fourth cut it off and looked at Gemini.

"Gemini.. l-let's just, break up."


Heyyy we're back 😛😛
I have a good final chapter for this one and after that we have a surprise one, which is a new fanfic🤫

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