Chapter One

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Disclaimer: Naruto does not belong to me, but Eiri does.

Six years in the same class infested kinks had honestly not made Eiri's attitude alter to an extroverted geeky wannabe ninja in any aspect. She had originally planned to at least make her mouth useful and initiate a conversation with anyone in this messed up class, but change of plans. As soon as sensible thinking decided to raid her warped bean, Eiri knew she needed to take a huge step backward and screw the notional forming blueprint.

Majority of the male and female population of this academy only went for the fame and money they could actually consume from every successful missions if they ever did made it as a nin; back to the young lasses, there is one goal they all have in common to their wish list. The Uchiha fag. Big surprise there.

Eiri's POV:

Squirming my head when I felt someone made a heavy contact with my arm that was dangling on the border of the table, I flickered my eyes open, scrunching my nose as I begrudgingly sat up and yawned. Scratching my elbow, I decided to let my eyes roam around the room. I watched as some of the students that had managed to graduate as a genin challenge some of their friends in a fight, to see who's the better ninja for all I know, while others continued to show off their head protectors.

And here I ask the question why? Seeing that all are required to get one when one pass the graduation. I will never understand the element of screws their mind embraces.

When my head was about to slump down back on the desk, a voice of raucousness tone crushed my thought of a mellow dream. Giving attention, I turned to look at the blonde shrimp with the slack ass. Probably having another round conversation of hooey. Shrugging, I dragged myself out of the seat and stumble my way towards the other two genin. As I was about to call the shrimp, he turned his head to another direction before he scampered off to another destination. Oh, that rhymed.

"How long have you been standing there?" I turned to see Akamaru looking back with his right hand inside his pocket and the other scratching his nape, yawning. Completely bored from what he looks.

Shrugging, I too decided to copy him and shove my hands in my pocket. On which I chose to use the cloth bag from my jacket instead of the baggy short I was wearing. "Aka, what were you talking about earlier with the shrimp?"

"Aka?" He raised a brow.

"Just a silly nickname."

"Well then, isn't it supposed to be Ika if you're trying to hack it from my real name?" He questioned, stuffing his other hand inside his pocket. I only stared in response. When he realized I wasn't going to move my mouth any time soon, he just sighed and muttered a faint 'how troublesome'. "See that pup on Kiba's head?" He said while gesturing to another boy wearing a light blue hoody. Even from this distance, I could see his fangs every time the Kiba kid opens his mouth. "That's Akamaru."

I stared at the puppy who was wagging it's tail merrily. "I'm Shikamaru." He sighed. Turning back at Shikamaru, I stared at him for a minute before nodding.

"Sometimes I think you just forget everyone's name."

"I do forget them."

"That's not what I meant." He groaned and by this time Shikamaru was already shaking his head. I just stayed silent. A disturbing sound of a chair glides scrapping the floor got our attention.
. and we all got a never before seen event in the history. I was greeted by the sight of the shrimp and the closet homo in a middle of an intense lip lock. From my peripheral, I could already see Shikamaru's eye twitching. Scrunching my nose, I just shook my head and walked back to my seat without leaving a word of good bye.

"Eiri!" Tearing my eyes open, my hand acted in brisk as it turned into a fist and punched the owner of the voice that had rudely woke me up. Being the culprit, turned out to be Iruka-sensei. Rubbing my eyes, I couldn't help but see almost the whole class in a fits of laughter as some managed to contain there cool. Normally, I would say an apology if I accidentally hurt someone, but being awaken from a deep slumber is a different story.

"As much as I had to admit that that was a good punch, I think it could wait until the real mission don't you think?" Iruka-sensei said as his hand continued to caress his swelling jaw.

I raised a hand and made a peace sign.

Sighing, he then went back in front of the board to continue where he left off. "As I was stating earlier, let's go to Team 7." I frowned. How long were they at this? I did a slide glance to my seat mate and mentally sighed. A female. How wonderful. No question there if she would have been happy by the thought of having me humiliated to the whole class.

Seeing that the closet homo never misses a single subject, they'd immediately go as far as to trip another female on her face, in front of the ravenette to make off the impression of a klutz. Thus, making sure to never have him talk to the girl. Though tough call, because it's not like he had actually talked to ANYONE.

"Uimatsu Eiri." My ears perked up as I waited for the next name to be called. "Uzumaki Naruto." Oh yeah, his name is Naruto.

"Haruno Sakura." Naruto cheered. The grand forehead on the other hand bowed her head to her dismay. "I'm doomed."

"And Uchiha Sasuke." Now it was her turn to cheer up as the shrimp slumped down to his seat. "I'm doomed."

I let my eyes watch cottonhead turn to her seat and give a taunting grin to the twinky beside me, with her hand in peace sign. Twinky growled, forming her hands into a fist. "How did YOU get to be on his team?!" An irked mark was visible on her temple by this time. If I wasn't used to being referred as a nutcase, I would have freaked out when I thought I heard cottonhead said something on the line of 'love conquers' without having her mouth move. I honestly wouldn't bet her as a ventriloquist because that's way too awesome for the kooky fangirl.

Iruka-sensei proceeded to call on other groups until Naruto decided to cut him off. "Iruka-sensei! Why does a great ninja like me have to be in the same team with a slug like Sasuke?!"

I yawned. Couldn't he be more embarrassing? Iruka-sensei looked up from his paper before he began to explain kami knows what. "Sasuke had the best scores of all the graduate students. Naruto, you had the worst scores!" As if on cue, the classroom was once again filled with laughter.

"To create a balanced group, we put the highest students with the lowest." He finished. Naruto growled just as the closet homo started to talk.

"Hn. Just make sure you don't get in my way, loser." He said.

"Hey what did you say?!" Naruto yelled.

"Hard of hearing?" The ravenette taunted.

Earning another growl from the shrimp. But before he could make another come back, cottonhead beat him to it. "Knock it off Naruto! Don't talk to Sasuke-kun like that!"

I banged my head on the desk, ignoring the pain as I shook my head. And this is my squad. The shrimp I could still tolerate. But those three put together? Are they trying to put up some kind of a ranch eruption?

Sighing, after Iruka-sensei had left the class, I didn't waste anytime to jumped out of the window and went on from tree to tree. I just hope Katsuo didn't forget to not put on some sauce.


I apologize for the short chapter. It wasn't really my original plan to post this story, but I felt quite bad for having an account without at least one story. And here it is. So. .

Concerns? Opinions? I'm all ears.

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