Chapter 1

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A/N (Please read)

Hi guys!

Well, this is Joanna ! This is my first story and I'm doing it with Antriana

This story is actually taking us back in time to 2007

Hope you like the idea of the book (which I absolutely love) and you'll keep on reading! I have to be honest... we have no idea how this story is going to turn out... ANW!

Our accounts: (if you want to follow us)

Twitter: Antrilover5 and joanr5er4ever

Instagram: Antrilover5 and joanr5er4ever

Fanfiction: antrilover5 and JAWhatevermind

Wattpad: antrilover5 and joanr5er4ever

Don't forget to comment what you think, and if you like our story make sure to follow us.

Thank You ! (If you actually read this)

Joanna xxxx

Chapter 1:

30 November 2007

We're running. Running from our fake lives, while trying to live our new ones. We can't introduce ourselves, partly because we don't know who we really are. You're all probably thinking, who is we? Well, that's something for us to "know" and for you to find out later. If we try to explain, we'll confuse you even more, because even we don't know.

We took some of our clothes and just run away. We don't know where, we are just running. We're LOST AND HIDDEN from the big world. However, we don't have any food, so we stop at a restaurant.

"So, what are we doing now?" the girl that I've known as Ally asks.

"Honestly, I have no idea..." I answer. "We haven't managed to get our ID's. We need someone who is 18 years old or more to get it. Where can we find someone who can help us? I mean we are only 13 and we don't have a family..."

"We can find someone to help us. Don't lose hope!" she exclaims. I just look at her sadly.

"Don't you realize that all the people we've known have been lying to us since the day we were born?" I argue. She just sat there staring. "You just don't get it, do you?"

"I do get it! I've been through everything you've been, too! I'm just more optimistic than you will ever be in your life! I'm fed up with your shit!"She screams at me. This is the first time I've ever seen her this mad.

"It was your idea to run away, so you have no right to talk to me like that!" I shout back. She doesn't know what to say. "Let's just pay and continue our journey to... God only knows where.

We pay with the money that we made ourselves, because our 'parents' are too cheap to give us any pocket money. We walk out of the restaurant together and look around. I've never seen so much sun, and we don't even have sunglasses. We've never had, thanks to our 'parents' again. And we live in LA.

Sometimes I wished that I didn't have parents or family, well except of 'Ally' obviously, but now that I don't, I would prefer to go back and live with them. However, I have to stay strong and continue, because I know that without trying you can't achieve anything. I've learned that the hard way... Now, I'm sure that you are confused. But, it's not the right time to explain everything. It's just too painful to talk about.

While we are walking, we feel weird. I said we because I know that 'Ally' feels it, too. It seems that someone is following us. So we start running. We are running until our feet can't hold us anymore. Luckily, it was all just our imagination. Now, we are tired.

"I can see a bus stop!", 'Ally' exclaims.

"Great! Let's go!" I shout and start heading towards it.

"Do we have enough money to afford two tickets?" 'Ally' asks me.

"I think so... but I'm afraid that they won't last long..." I answer.

"We should just buy the bus tickets, since there's not anything else we need. All we need is to get as far from here as possible... Right?" 'Ally' says. She's right. Nothing else matters anymore.

We sit there and wait until the bus comes. It finally arrives. Turns out we can afford two tickets, but it leaves just 5 dollars for us to survive.

We walk deep into the bus, trying not to get questioned when seen, because we're so young and alone. We walk while looking downwards, trying not to make eye contact with anyone's confused and questioning face. We reach the end of the bus and sit, while being completely quiet. We are thinking. Thinking of our lives so far and how they are gonna change from now on.

We look up when we hear a girly voice yelling. We can't understand what they are saying, but as they get in the bus, we can hear clearly the argument between her and a blond boy.

"Come on Riker! Why wouldn't you let me buy that dress with the money we had? It wasn't that expensive after all!" the blond girl says.

"Correction: with the money I had. You spend all your money to buy that frozen yogurt and that smoothie from Starbucks, and I didn't. You would have been able to buy that dress if you just listened to me and didn't buy them." the boy, I guess, named Riker answers.

"Oh, shut up, Riker" she said while sitting to the seat next to the other window that was in our row. "Nobody likes a know-it-all!" she continues and then she faces the window.

"I'm not a know-it-all, Rydel! I'm just being realistic!" he says and sits in the seat between me and the blonde girl, Rydel. He then turns to me. "I'm sorry if we bothered you with our argument for something completely childish..." he apologizes.

"Oh no! Don't worry about it! I know how you feel..." I say while glancing at 'Ally' who is actually interested in this conversation. "You know how girls are!" I continue only to be cut by the girls.

"Hey!" they shout in unison.

"Anyway, I'll let that pass me by..." Rydel says. This phrase has a good ring on it... "You know? We didn't introduce ourselves properly... Well, I'm Rydel, and this is my older brother Riker! And you are?" I quickly look at 'Ally', who has the same reaction as me.

What do we say now?


WOOOOOOO! WAZZUP GUYS! Antriana here ;) So as Joanna told y'all, we're writing this story together! We hope you like it! This is our account, and whatever we make here, it's ours.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! We put a lot hard work in it, and it's wasn't that easy. Me and Joan don't live exactly right next to each other so it's not easy to write. THANK YOU SKYPE!

So really, between school and afternoon lessons, we can't write except the weekends. So we're SO SO SO SO SO sorry if we don't update in time, this is something new for us! But we enjoy working together, and this story is something ours and we both love it so we promise our best!

Anyway, please comment below if you enjoyed this chapter and add this story to your library to keep up with the updates! See you in the next one! Stay awesome ;)

Antriana xx :D ;b

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