Chapter 6

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Before on Lost And Hidden:

"How do you do this? How are you so confident? They just said the worst thing they could've ever said in this situation, and they didn't even regret it! Why aren't you hurt about it?" I said as my voice cracked. I was basically trying to find a way to get her confidence.
"That's just how I am. I know when things are worth crying. Now calm down, and stop crying. We've got things to do." She said standing up.
"Why? What things?" I asked confused. She turned around and looked down at me.
"I have a plan. Go pack your things. We're leaving."

Now on Lost And Hidden:

"What do you mean 'We're leaving'?" I said confused
"What you heard! Do you honestly think I'd stay in this house with all those assholes?" She said, getting her suitcase from under the bed. "Quick, start packing. We don't have much time." I got up from the bed hesitantly.
"But... Where are we gonna go? We have no place to live, we have no money... And that's not much. We won't be able to survive." I said.‏

"We'll find a way to make money. But you need to understand, we HAVE to leave. If we stay here the chances of the good future we need won't come. If we leave now, we might not get the good future we want, but on the other hand, we might. Austin, you need to understand, please!" Ally said with tears threatening to come out of her eyes. I looked at her for a moment, thinking about her words.
"That might be the wisest thing you've ever said." I commented, and she just rolled her eyes.
"Just go pack your things..." She said chuckling. I did as I was told. As I was packing, I kept thinking about a certain phrase she said.
"Austin, you need to understand, please!"
"Austin..." that word kept repeating in my mind. What if my name really isn't Austin?
I slowly looked up at Ally. What if her name really isn't Ally either?
Realization hit me hard, harder than it should. Whatever we knew about our lives could not be true. Our names could be different, our age could be different, and we could not be related at all!
'Austin' No. That's not my name. It can't be.
'Austin...' It's fake. I don't know who I am.
'Austin.' That's not really me...
"Austin!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ally's hand waving in front of me and her calling my name.
"What?!" I said back.
"You were completely zooned out, what were you thinking?" She asked, sitting next to me, with her back leaning on my bed.
" I just realized... What if everything we knew about ourselves were just lies? What if we're not who we really are. What if we're not Austin and Ally?" I asked, looking down at my feet, feeling lost. Because that's what I was. Lost.
"I-I... You're right. But let's not think about that. That's another reason why we need to leave. We need to discover ourselves, and clearly, we won't if we stay." She said getting up and going over her suitcase.
"Yeah, you're right. We need to hurry. It's getting closer to 4, we need to be gone before then." I said hurrying to throw clothes and things I need in my suitcase.
At ten to four we were packed and ready to go. Of course we couldn't fit our whole room in, but it's not like we had lots of things to take them. 'Ally' took her suitcase and I did too, getting my guitar case too. We slowly and quietly walked down the stairs to the front door, and walked outside.
"Okay so we made it outside. Now what?" I asked 'Ally'.
"Now we need to find a way to get enough money to get somewhere away..." She answered, as we walked down the street.
We walked about 10 more minutes, trying to think of a way to get money.
"Can we take a break? My guitar is heavy, my shoulders are killing me..." I asked.

"Yea sure! Put it there by the pole and let's just stretch a little." She answered and I did as told. I put it by a pole with an underground sign on it... an underground sign...

"An underground sign..." I repeated out loud. Suddenly, an idea flashes through our minds. I smiled. For once, this horrible day, I smiled. I quickly grabbed my guitar with all my might, and shook the pole in the process but anyway, and ran with 'Ally' by my side, down the stairs into a kind of quiet place. Not for long!

"Let's set our stuff here! Since a lot of people go through this lane." I stated. 'Ally' nodded and we started fixing our own little stage. A little time later we were done.

"I don't have a hat! Do you?" 'Ally' asked.

"I don't either!" I said and signed.

"Why don't you put your beanie? That yellow one! With the 'R' on it! You don't use it anyway..." 'Ally' said.

"What? NO! NO! NO! I'll put the one that I'm wearing now!" I quickly said, taking off my beanie.

"Why not? I thought you had abandoned the yellow one..." She said looking at me confused. I sighed

"I didn't. I just didn't like wearing it in public. You know, it was my first beanie. I sometimes sleep with it at night, because I thought that it was our parents the ones who gave it to me when I was born. But now that I think about it, was it them who gave it to me, or was it my biological parents?" I asked hopefully. 'Ally' looked at me with her eyes widened and a small smile on her face.

"This could be the only thing we have from our biological parents. A yellow beanie, with the letter R..." she said as I shyly took it out of my bag and just stared at it.

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