Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Before on Lost And Hidden:

"So... Are you guys ready to tell us your story?" he asks. I look at 'Ally' and she nods.

"Well... I guess..." I start. "We actually lived with a family who was lying to us for 13 years. We had our 'parents', Mike and Mimi Moon and our 'siblings' Cassidy and Dallas Moon. The drama started a few days ago..."

Now on Lost And Hidden:


27 November 2007

"Oh my god! I can't believe it! We're going to get our first birthday party!" I yelled as I jumped up and down next to Ally. We had just been to our parent's bedroom and we had asked them for a birthday party in our 13th birthday.

"I know! This is so exciting! This is the best birthday present they could give us!" Ally said jumping up and down next to me.

Just then, our 16-year-old twin brother and sister (they are twins), Dallas and Cassidy walked in with another girl and a boy. I recognized them as Cassidy's boyfriend and Dallas' girlfriend. We never really bothered learning their names, because we kind of felt that there was something wrong with them. But we honestly didn't care one bit.

"Who are these two dorks?" Cassidy's boyfriend said. Cassidy and Dallas laughed at his choice of words.

"That's our brother and sister. Don't mind them, they're stupid." Cassidy answered laughing.

"Oh! This is why they were jumping up and down like they were fish on land..." Dallas' girlfriend squeaked.

"OMG! Sav this was a good one!" Cassidy and Dallas said and high-fived her. I just glared at the group, but when they looked back at us I looked down. I knew that if they saw that I was annoyed by the joke, they would just continue making fun of me more.

"I bet somebody fished them out of the sea and they just threw them back at the land cause they were too ugly." Cassidy's boyfriend said.

"Ohhh, buuuuuurn! Well done Brandon, good job!" Dallas said laughing.

*End of Flashback*

30 November 2007

"WAIT! Sav means Savannah?" Riker asks, cutting us off.

"Well, I guess... Why?" I answer.

"Savannah... and Brandon. Do you know if they are related?" Riker asks again.

"Yea, they are siblings. But, then again why do you care?" 'Ally' asks.

"Do you think they are...?" Rydel asks Riker. Something on her tone makes me think that she was on the urge of tears.

"I don't know Rydel... I really hope not..." he answers leaving us more confused than before.

"What do you mean? What's wrong? Do you know them?" I ask worriedly. Rydel looks at me sadly before she nods.

"We think so. But nevermind that. We can solve it later. Continue with your story now..." Rydel says.

"Okay..." 'Ally' says. "After they laughed at us for a few more minutes, they left..."


27 November 2007

"Finally they left! God, I held all my willpower not to snap at them." I said angrily.

"Oh Austin. I thought you would have gotten used to it after our -almost- 13 years of life." Ally said, putting her hand on my shoulder. I sighed sadly, but I then remembered the reason we were so excited before our siblings came.

"So with the party... Who should we invite?" I asked, suddenly realizing we haven't considered everything about our party.

"Maybe we shouldn't make a big deal about it..." Ally said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know... Let's not invite the whole 8th Grade..." Ally suggested.

"But this is our first ever birthday party... Who knows when we'll have another one..." I whined.

"So you say that we should invite everyone, even the ones that we don't know that well, just cause we want a big party?" Ally asked trying to convince me otherwise.

"Yes! If we go your way, we will only invite Raini and Calum. That would be a totally lame party." I shouted.

"You're talking like you don't have fun, when you hung out with them!" Ally argued.

"I never said anything like that..." I argued back.

"Yea... But that's what you meant!" Ally shouted, only to be cut by our parents.

"What's going on here?" our mum asked.

"Yea why are you arguing?" our dad continued.

"He just wants a big party for our birthday..." Ally pouts.

"Wait... Who said that you are having a party?" mum asked.

"Y-you did..." I answered clearly confused.

"When did THAT happen?" dad asked.

"Well... We asked you while you were on your phone and you said yea fine, go to your room!" Ally explained.

"Do you honestly think I was paying attention to you?" mum said. Dad nodded in agreement as I looked up at them with big eyes.

"Never had, never will." dad said as he left the room, with mum following behind. I looked at Ally, seeing her looking where they left through the door with glassy eyes. I quickly embraced her in a hug, as I knew what was going to follow. Lots and lots of crying, coming not only from Ally, but also from me. It's turned into a regular thing in our lives, that's for sure.

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