NOTE -pls read :)

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heyy guys!! its el, i hope ur all doing wonderful and stayinf safe!! i just came on to tell you guys that i've decided to change the face claim for dani (gracies sister and arthurv tvs possible spin off love interest !)

im changing the face claim from gracie abrams to sabrina carpenter. the reason for this is that recently as im sure ur all aware, a lot has been happening between isr@el and palestine. gracie abrams a few days ago came out w a statement about what's happening basically stating shes refusing to take sides altho quite clearly favouring isr@el. im not going to get into the information of anything if ud like to educate urself or learn a bit more about what's happening, pls feel free to pm me, message are always open to u guys!

all in all, i strongly disagree with what gracies saying and unfortunately i have chosen to distance myself from supporting her or anything to do with her. it hurts me to do this as i was a big fan of her but i feel it would completely go against everything i stand for to continue supporting someone who basically is going against everything i believe in. so for this reason im changing the face claim, like i said before if u have any questions about literally anything, please please feel free to message me :)

i love u all!! and thank u for the support that ive had since starting this book, it means the world, go check out chapter 3 if youd like, 4 coming soon! love u all endlessly
el 💗💗

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