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VIP Room #212

Two naked girls are still sleeping not until the older one's phone ring. She take the phone in the nightstand and swipes her phone to dismiss the call. She slowly sit up while massaging her head.

Mina's POV

Ugh! My head hurts. Why it's dark?

A got startled by the sudden movement beside me. I jump out of the bed holding my chest! I almost had a heart attack! I flinched when I felt my cold bare hands touching my skin.

I'm naked?!!!!

I look at myself and the girl with black short hair sleeping. She is covered with a comforter.

Don't tell me I- No! Mina! Calm Down.. Remember what happened last night! You should remember!!

I'm starting to panic and my hangover isn't helping me to relax. I tried to breathe in and out until I relaxed a little bit.

All I can remember is Chaeyoungie. I am with her. I kissed her and we made love?!!  But I know it's just a dream! There's no way it's true. But- who is she?! Who I make love with? What the hell is wrong with me?!

No one's POV

The other girl is sleeping peacefully while Mina's battling with herself how things happened. She then decided to on the bedside lamp and pick her clothes to wear it in a hurry. The other girl who's laying flat change her position now facing Mina. Mina's eye widen when she saw the girl looks like Chaeyoung and her heart start beating fast.

Am I hallucinating?! Not again?!!! She said to herself.

She closes her eyes for a minute then have a long deep breath.  She opens her eyes again afterwards she trembles because it's really the face she miss the most. She wants to hug her but she's scared at the same time.

After battling herself, she courageously  and carefully walk towards the girl. She gently caress Katarina's face with her trembling hand. She scans the girls face and exposed arms.

No beauty mark. No tattoos. She's not my Chaeyoungie. But -- is it possible that they look a like?!!! She disappointedly asked herself full of doubt. Still, not believing what she's seeing.

She spaced out looking at the sleeping girl. She can't help herself but to shed tears. She misses Chaeyoung so much and now that someone looks like her is close to her. She felt like she don't want to leave the girl. She kept on looking at the girl not until she saw the girl's phone vibrate near her wallet.  She curiously check it and to her surprise she saw her school I.D.

Katarina Han?! Is her name. Mina mumbled and took a photo.

Mina's phone ring making her startled again. She look at the caller and it's Momo. She hurriedly left the room to answer the call not wanting to awaken the girl. When she's about to answer the call someone called her.

Mina-ssi?? What are you doing here? The  Manager asked.

Momo's been knocking on your door. She just called me. The manager added.

So, this is not my room?! Mina shyly asked while pointing the room beside their Manager.

Of course not! Your room is... OMG!! Don't tell me you.. you slept from this room?!!!! The manager asked almost yelled.

I'll explain to you later. Let's just go where Momo is. Mina nervously said while dragging their manager.


Meanwhile, while Mina and Katarina's world is starting to reconnect, Katarina's father is almost done on his plans for her daughter. He's now lying on his hospital bed because three years ago he was diagnosed with lung cancer.

Massachusetts Hospital
Yeonjun's POV

Yeon, you know that I'm not going to last longer, right?! Mr. Son said to me.

But, Mr. Son I-I can't do this alone. We- we did this. I reasoned out not wanting him to continue.

Call me dad. It's been two years my Son. I'm sorry that I've been harsh on you. I just want the best for both of you. And, I can't rely to anyone except you Yeon. She's my only daughter and I want the best for her.

Dad - I understand. I'm sorry if I don't know anything back then. I judged you like a villain in our lives. I really want to thank you for everything you've done to me. I said as I am emotional right now.

It's nothing compared to the days that you comforted my one and only daughter because of my bad doings. It's just things got bad on me. It's not easy to run a company by yourself. Sometimes you need to sacrifice your own family and act tough in front of them and the people around aren't helping you either. I can't blame my family if they left me in my worst. He said as if he's remembering the past in his mind.

I just don't understand why he wants her to manage the company when she also needs to compromise her life. If I'm given a chance I also don't want to manage a well known company like Son Group but I don't want to be an ungrateful child either.

I want to secure a good life for both of you. I want to live longer so that I'll be able to support both of you but things didn't go that way so I need you two to support yourselves. He explained.

Now, that explains.

I want to be with my daughter forever. I want to see her get married. I want to see her kids. I want to see her happy. He added while smiling at me.

I want that too.. for you to be able to see those in the future. So, you should get better. I said with a smile on my face.

Yeon, let's make her happy. He said trying his best not to cry.

You mean?! We will tell her the truth? I asked him out of shock.

He nodded.

But- if we do that she'll definitely be angry to us. I mean we just made her do the things she doesn't like before the accident and one more thing about her. I said with guilt behind my voice.

I'm not saying that we should tell her right now. Let's wait after both of you replace me as the CEO. I can't afford to lose her right now that she's almost there. I hope I'm still alive that day.  He said smiling at me.

I sigh and look at him with pity. If we just understand him better before the accident happened I think things are different from now.

I guess I have nothing to oppose now, Dad. Let's just wait and see what's gonna happen. For now, you should get better, so, we can both face the furious Katarina. I said while shaking my head.

I ask  Kazu to take care of you while I am in the office. I added smiling at him.


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