𝟘𝟙 || The bully's favorite

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𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝟝𝟙𝟠

MoonDunk High School.

Literally the place where all the chaotic and crazy things happen; skipping classes, bullying, minor smoking, repeating years.

It was popular how many bad students you could find there and half the students who graduated from that school never became successful because of how their behavior towards their teachers, parents, and even students had affected their lives.

One of the known bullies right now is a repeating year student who picks on younger students. not getting that far on bullying you like beating you until you pass out but still it annoys you and wishes he would stop targeting you.

(By "you" I mean the students and not you "readers" lol)


The poor male freshman who was on the floor sitting while a white liquid was poured down on him, the bullies were laughing seeing the milk was poured on top of the freshman's head sliding down towards his clothes.

"you got yourself targeted by the big bully, this monster will make your days a living hell"

Lee Minho, One of the bullies said while pointing at the said bully who was holding the milk cartoon box. When the box got emptied from the milk he just let it go to fall on top of the freshman head, the bully then crouched down onto his knees and grabbed the freshman's hair bringing him closer.

Minho:"if you wanted me to stop bullying you then you have to man up and face me by saying "I'm not scared of you anymore" and when that happens I'll stop"

After minutes, the bullies walked away leaving that freshman student behind, he kept crying and smelling the smell of milk coming from him and it made him hate milk so bad.

"hey, are you okay?"

The freshman looked up and saw another student, he was tall with black hair, he read his name on the tag that was on his uniform.

"no I'm not okay! I got targeted by Lee Minho"

The tall student sat beside him and started comforting him by tabbing on his back.

"It's okay...you have to get used to it or if it gets worse then you've got to change schools"

"wait don't tell me you also-"

"the name is Hwang Hyunjin I'm a junior"

The junior Introduced himself and then brought his hand for a handshake for the freshman who took it.

"uhh...my name is Kim Jae"

The freshman fell at ease when Hyunjin didn't seem like a threat so he pulled his guard down.

Hyunjin(wrap his arm around Jae):"let me tell you something about me...you see, I'm also a target..."

Jae:"for how long?"

He asked very curiously, Hyunjin doesn't seem like he gets bullied so he wondered what was so special about him that Minho was targeting him.

Hyunjin:"it has been a year now, because he repeated his senior year so that means he'll go after me this year again"

Jae:"that's horrible, so he recognizes you as one of his targets?"

Hyunjin:"it even worse than that, I'm his favorite"

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