𝟙𝟝 || Sharing The Same Bed

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𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝟙𝟙𝟙𝟠

Minho(on the phone):“yes mom... NO I'm staying over at Hyunjin's... yes he lives alone... no he's a junior... don't forget to feed the cat... i love you too”

After he was done with the call with his mom, Hyunjin walked to him nervously not knowing what both talked about.

he wanted Minho to stay over for the night at his place so badly.

Hyunjin:“so she said yes?”

He hoped for his hyung to say yes but instead he got a hit lightly on the head.

Minho:“of course she would say yes!! it's already past 8pm"

Hyunjin looked at the window and found it dark outside so he let out a low "ohh..."

Hyunjin:“then let's go to sleep, we have to wake up early tomorrow”

He grabbed Minho's hand and was ready to drag him to his bedroom. But the other stops his tracks.

Minho:“you have a spare bed, right?”

Asked Minho who kept his head low, the idea of sharing a bed with the junior made him feel a bit weird on the inside.

Hyunjin(titling his head):“no... we are going to share the same room and the same bed”

He said obviously because there's no other way except for sleeping in the same bed.

Minho:“such a perv! is that why you've been excited and happy since morning?!”

Hyunjin was busted but he didn't feel embarrassed or didn't back off like a coward, he instead stood in front of his hyung and said with confidence...

Hyunjin(confident):“of course! Besides, I only have one bed and there's only one couch but it is not big enough for someone to sleep in”

Minho:“then one of us has to sleep on the floor!!”

Hyunjin held his other hand and got closer and made eye contact with Minho.

Hyunjin:“why are you against sleeping with me? i swear I don't snore or move during my sleep or even talk or walk...”

Minho was quick to break the eye contact just after Hyunjin said that because he felt shy under his stare.

Minho(flustered):“i-it not that the problem...it's just, embarrassing to share the sa-same bed with you...”

Minho being shy and stuttering while blushing is just tooo cuuuute for Hyunjin.

Hyunjin:“we're both alone here, you don't have to be embarrassed of me”

He cupped Minho's cheeks assuring him that he shouldn't be embarrassed of him and telling him to relax.

Minho(panicking):“it's just difficult not to think about it...”

Hyunjin hugged him after him showing signs of panicking.

Hyunjin:“hyung, don't panic... Okay? how about we build a wall of pillows between us”




Minho:“are you asleep?”

Just after they built that pillow wall, Minho called wondering if Hyunjin was still awake.

Hyunjin:“no...usually I'll be sleeping by now”

He had a lot of thoughts on his mind that kept him awake and all of them about Minho who was sleeping right next to him behind these pillows.

Minho:“is it because of me?”

He thought that the reason Hyunjin wasn't sleeping by now is because of him being in the same room yet in the same bed.

Hyunjin:“of course hyung! laying on this side not being able to see you or touch you is so annoying”

Minho blushed at what he said, he thought it was the other way around but all Hyunjin is thinking right now is to cuddle him.

Minho(blushing):“y-you can remove the pillows if you want...”

After he said that, Hyunjin sat up and threw all those pillows away and it was so fast that Minho couldn't give him a hand.

He threw 6 pillows in 10 seconds.

Just after he did that, he lay down on his side where he faced his hyung who was also sleeping on his side facing him.

Hyunjin:“Minho-hyung is beautiful up close”

He said that then put his hand on Minho's cheeks who was caught off guard with that.

Minho:“you're too open, do you like teasing me that much?”

He removed Hyunjin's hand very annoyed that the younger was messing with him.

But all of his thoughts went blank when Hyunjin said...

Hyunjin:“can I kiss you?”

Minho(flustered):“yo-you're thinking of di-dirty things as I expected you to b-be”

Hyunjin put his hand on Minho's cheeks -which were rosy- again.

Hyunjin:“what can I do when Minho-hyung is sleeping right beside me”

Minho(blushing):“fine! But only once!!”

Right after Hyunjin got permission, he went on top of Minho while his hand that was on his cheeks never left its place.

His other hand was holding into his hyung's wrist because why not...

He starts leaning his head for a kiss which causes Minho to shut his eyes feeling very nervous because he knows that this kiss isn't going to be the same as the kiss he received at the karaoke that day.

When both lips met, Minho was frozen and didn't move his lips along with Hyunjin's but for a way to make it happen the junior bit onto the senior's lips which caused him to open it slightly, a way where he could slide his tongue inside his mouth. The hand that he was putting on Minho's cheek traveled under his shirt to grab his waist, he then let go of his wrist that he was holding and did the exact same thing with the other hand. Minho's arms were free and he was able to put them on top of Hyunjin's shoulders.

It wasn't too long when Minho started following Hyunjin's lips movement so it wasn't one sided kiss anymore.

Hyunjin(💭):«I can't stop, it's so addicting...»

It came to one point where Hyunjin lost control and was kissing and biting Minho's lips like a maniac, the oldest couldn't keep up with him so he tabbed his back as a sigh for him to stop.

Minho(blushing):”p*rvert! YOU'RE GOING TOO FAST!!“

Hyunjin saw what face expression his hyung was making and it was mixed with mad and flustered so he leaned his head to kiss his forehead this time.

Hyunjin:“don't you like it when I shower you with affection?”

Minho(blushing):“idiot...if I said no you'll be sad and I don't want that”

Minho wasn't good with dealing with his emotions and feelings. He doesn't know what he should answer Hyunjin correctly and he's always panicking and blushing like a virgin whenever the junior makes a move on him.

Hyunjin grabs his hands which he placed a kiss on the back then says...

Hyunjin:“how sweet of you hyung”

Minho just blushed and doesn't know what to say or react to that.

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