𝟙𝟙 || when he got sick

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𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝟠𝟠𝟟

Hyunjin was on his desk, thinking about the day he spent at the acrade with Minho, he kept looking at his penguin lucky-charm beneath his desk, he remembered the senior every time he looked at it.

"someone just fainted at the P.E class and no one dared to take him to the infirmary"

His ears poked out, two girls who sit behind him like to talk so much and most of the time, Hyunjin eavesdrops on what they say.

"Wait really?!"

"Yeah, my senior Boyfriend just texted me and said that he was the bully who fainted, the Lee Minho"

Hyunjin stood up after hearing that and all the students including the teacher looked at him.

Teacher:“Mr.Hwang the class isn't done yet”

He ignored the teacher and went out from class running towards the back doors towards the P.E stadium.

He ran where he saw a lot of students, just when he passed them.

He saw Minho on the ground with closed eyes, frowned eyebrows and panting like crazy and everyone was just watching.

Hyunjin:“HYUNG! HYUUUNG!!”

He held him in his arms and started shaking him to wake him up but Minho was already unconscious.

"who's this?"

"Isn't he Hyunjin? that guy who was rumored to be Lee Minho's favorite toy"

"Isn't he a junior...What's he doing here?"

He herd the whispers and it irritates him that everyone is not helping Minho because he has a reputation of being a bully.


P.E teacher:“isn't he a bad person who bully you...why are you helping him?”

Not you too teacher.

Hyunjin lifted Minho on his back and then answered his teacher with...

Hyunjin:“because I'm a human unlike all of you”

After that being said he walked out from there going to the infirmary.






Hyunjin:“thank you thank you so much for your hard work”

Thankfully, the nurse wasn't like the students and teachers and didn't think of Minho as a bad person.

Nurse:“no problem, he's a patient and I should take good care of him just like any other person who came here”

The nurse explained that Minho had a high fever and he wasn't eating and sleeping enough, so she injected him with a medication needle that can help him fight back that intruder in his body.

Hyunjin:“when is he gonna wake up?”

Nurse:“around noon, it's still early so you should go back to your class...”

Hyunjin just sat beside Minho and held his hand.

Hyunjin:“No! I'll stay with him...he's more important than anything right now”

Nurse:“sure...do what you want, I'm out for a smoke, see you later”

Just after the nurse was gone, Hyunjin kept staring at his hyung, he admired every part of his face and couldn't believe he got to see him this sick.

Hyunjin:“i can't believe I get to see you in your worst conditions...you look beautiful either way...”






Minho:“tch...my head hurts so bad like someone hit me with a metal pipe”

The senior woke up with a pain in the back of his head and then felt his right hand was being held and when he looked towards his right, he saw hyunjin sleeping on his hand while holding it.

Minho(💭):«wait...what is he doing here? Was he the one who brought me here?»

He looked at him while having mixed emotions but after some time he found himself staring at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin starts moving showing signs of him waking up so Minho lay on the bed again, fake sleeping.

When Hyunjin woke up, he looked towards the bed and found Minho was still sleeping, he looked at the clock—13:57.

He got worried because his senior took a long time to wake up.

Hyunjin:“hyung, it passes noon already, why aren't you waking up yet?”

Minho:(💭):«I can't let him know I'm awake or else he'll do something embarrassing that would lead my heart to beat so fast»

Hyunjin:“I wish I came early, you're not waking up and I'm blaming myself, I'm sorry Minho-hyung”

Hyunjin held Minho's hand on his forehead and started tearing up blaming himself for not coming early for the senior.

Minho felt his hand getting wet so he opened his eyes and found Hyunjin crying.

Minho:“wait— are you crying for real?!”

Hyunjin heard his voice, he shut his eyes open and looked at Minho with teary eyes.

He felt so happy seeing the senior awake and that caused him to jump on him and hug him.

Hyunjin:“HYUUNG! THANK GOD YOU'RE OKAY!! I was worried you won't wake up again”

Minho hugged him back and stayed silent, Hyunjin ditched his classes and came to his P.E class and took him to the infirmary and stayed with him until he woke up.

He felt happy that he did care about him like hyunjin.

Minho:“thank you, you came for me even though you had classes”

Hyunjin:“that doesn't matter hyung, you matter to me the most”

Minho's eyes got wide and his cheeks turned rosy from what the junior just said.

Minho:“Shut up you idiot and go bring me something to drink,I'm thirsty”

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