Animal (tw)

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Obi-Wan was frozen. Maul was animalistic. Frenzied. He wouldn't be surprised if he foamed at the mouth.

Maul could smell Skywalker on him. Even after months away, he could smell him on his prisoner. He would do away with that. He didn't feel why. Didn't know what made him want this Jedi that ruined his life.

A growl followed the thought. Sharp nails ripped away at the grey clothing he had given the Jedi. His skin.. Pale, flawless save scars and bruises. Like perfect white marble. He watched his prey breathed rapidly. He relished in the fear, the force around him giddy and red.
"Perfect.. " he hissed. His eyes were dilated, watching the smaller frame try to scoot away only hitting the wall behind. His clothes hung around him in shreds. His ears and cheeks flushed pink, blue eyes darkened in fear, that skin needed to be red. Blacks and blues.

"What.. What is this?? What are you doing!? "
Obi-Wan held and arm up to try and keep him away, but Maul was stronger. Especially in this state. He understood why the women made sure to keep them lesser. He helped when his hips were forcibly yanked from under him. Nails dug into his hip bones, drawing small lines of blood. He winced but wouldn't give this.. Monster.. The satisfaction. He couldn't.
"I'll make sure Skywalker knows. " be mumbled.
How. How did he know.
Obi-Wan's eyes welled up. Not Anakin. Please not Anakin.
Would he even want him after this ordeal? Wasn't someone suppose to come save him?
Burden. You can't even save yourself?
No... I can't..

Hands gripped along his chest, violent and groping. He felt teeth grazing his skin, sometimes biting. Hard. He would bite his lip, trying hold in anything, hoping not reacting would deter the Zabrak above him.

He felt warmth between his legs. He didn't want to look. He felt sick, he just wanted Anakin. Teeth grazed his member with each bob, claws dug into his thighs holding him in place, the energy around him was dark, cold, and piercing. His breathing was labored, shaking and unsteady, Maul growled in approval.
Obi-Wan covered his face with his arm, he felt ill. He wanted to throw up. He wanted nothing more to be back at his apartment, be back with who he wanted. His face was flushed hot, tears started to fall involuntarily, would he even want him after this? Truly? The council.. They'd know.. He knows they'd know.

His thoughts were interrupted when his body was pulled and turned forcefully. He panicked and a hand gripped his scalp, like a dog by the scruff. Another hand pulled his hips up to meet the Zabrak's torso. He pushed a hand backward to move the other man away to no avail. A sudden wetness fell on his skin, fingers forced their way inside for mere moment, burning pain filled him. He whimpered, the only sound he could muster, when they retreated, he breathed out. Hoping that was it.

He felt a larger sensation, burning, stinging, like he was being torn open, it was sudden and went in immediately, he didn't hold back this time and sob escaped him. The hand on his scalp forced him to turn his face, Maul eagerly thrusted, slamming his pelvis into the man below him, staring at his tear stained face. He gritted his teeth from the tightness that enveloped him. This was his. This was all his.

Obi-Wan clawed at the floor, sounds couldn't even be heard. He choked on sobs and with each thrust he became quiet. He was going numb, he was in shock, he was falling back to his past, his head hurt and he couldn't focus. He couldn't heal. He couldn't feel the force where darkness had a chokehold.

Maul moved the hand from his scalp, down to his waist, then to his member, stroking the Jedi,.. Gently. Maybe to offset the trauma he inflicted on the humans body, but he carefully palmed and stroked the man below him.

Obi-Wan didn't want pleasure from this. Anakin would know. Please.. Not from this.. Not from him. Anakin.. Please I don't want this I promise you..

He felt his body give up, unable to control anything of his. Darkness had him, was controlling his body, his mind unable to connect to his own nerves. He felt himself release, as his captor did so within him.
When Maul moved back out of him, he silently stood, fixing his clothing.

Obi-Wan was frozen. Knees and hands still on the floor, knuckles white as he shook with his eyes fixated downward. A hand grabbed the back of his neck, causing him to topple onto his side, he hissed from the now pain settling in,
"Let's see what Skywalker does when he finds you. If he finds you. You belong to me. I suffered because of you, now you'll suffer with me. "
It finally hit him. He didn't want to break him physically. He wanted to break him mentally. If anyone knew Obi-Wan they knew his mind was his best asset. So they believed. He was able to ignore physical pain, heal, and more. But his psyche.. That was a different story. He was able to create shields very quickly, never being broken by even the fiercest interrogation. Until now.
He was finally broken. During those moments he felt the dark red roots take hold and break those shields. While he was healing.. Maul knew what he was doing.

When his guard laid down Maul saw everything. Every weakness. Every trauma. He had him.

He let the man go, stepping away to admire his work. But he felt no satisfaction. Why.

A few more times it continued. No satisfaction. Only when his captive felt pleasure did he feel any satisfaction.
But why.
He hated him so why. Didn't he?
Anakin paced, the energy around him swirling. He was anxious, panicked. He couldn't feel Obi-Wan anywhere. He checked every comlink, every ship near every planet or damn close to it.

"Anakin? We'll find him. I'm sure he's alright.. " a sweet tone said behind him. Ahsoka offered a slight smile. Worry plagued her too. But if anyone could help him it's her. They were a team, the best you could ask for.
"It's been months Snips. MONTHS. " he ran his hands through his hair. "Where could he have gone?? Something happened I know it. He would've contacted if he was safe. "

"We'll keep looking. Maybe.. Maybe he can't tell us? Remember last time he was under cover? "

"He swore to never do that again without you or me knowing. He wouldn't. "

She sighed and checked a star map for any place they hadn't gone.
Boots clicked along the floor, darkness fell into the ships room.
"You haven't contacted the night sisters have you? " A voice asked. Elegant, proper, accompanied by a dark presence.

"N-no. We haven't master, " Anakin replied, "but what would they have to with him missing? "
The figure chuckled slightly, pulling his hold down. Qui-Gon was just as kind and calming as ever.
"They may not have taken him, but they know how to find people. They know every in and out in the planets systems. That's where Dooku is headed already. What have you told the council about you two being absent during a war, hm? "

Anakin smiled nervously. "Just uh.. Quick detour? "

"For two months? You really did learn from my padawan then. " He smiled and clasped his hands. "We'll set for Stewjon, fuel there, and set back for corascaunt if we have no word from Dooku. "

"Head back!?" Anakin snapped, "but he's still out there!"

"And I'll be sure to come back here. But you two can't be absent, or the council will get suspicious. You need to be careful. Especially in your situation. " Qui-Gon was right. He had an understanding look in his eyes, but needed to stay firm with him. He wanted nothing more than to make sure his old padawan was safe, but needed to do so carefully.
"You need to trust me young one. Both of you. "
Two days passed, Obi-Wan ached. He couldn't feel the force anymore. He cried on and off unable to connect to anything. Worse so his healing ability was gone. He couldn't find any light, any soft hues. Just red veins, fog, and dark rooms. When Maul would call he would answer. Letting him do whatever he needed.

He wanted to go home. So badly he needed to go home.
And you will. Soon. Hang on a little longer.

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