Beyond The Walls

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      "I'm not asking. " Anakin stood, hand turning white against the map bay metal. Ahsoka had felt it all morning. Pure anger. It practically oozed from her master today. Nothing like the sith they normally encounter. No, this was deeper. Darker. Yet she felt no fear from it. Almost liberating in fact. Why shouldn't he be upset? Someone so dear to them it only makes sense. "I'm going. I'll take my own ship. Try to drag me back. "

"Skywalker you don't even know where you're going. There are more pressing matters we must-"
Mace Windu stood firm, stoic.

"To hell with your war. One of your best fighters is a captive and all you care for is how many separatists can we maybe find in whatever star system refuses our currency. I'll find him myself, in less time than you could. "

Ahsoka was taken aback. Would he really? Her master wasn't one for rules but.. This far? The council could be scary for sure. It took Anakin to convince her to come back after they so easily placed her on death row. Her master was right though. As of late.. Everyone was a pawn in someone's game.

"Master, what about Qui-Gon? If we get permission from him I think the council can't refuse." She glanced up at him, hopeful. She saw it calmed him. Even slightly so. Being a little sister to someone had it's perks definitely. She heard her mother speak about her aunts boys, how it took a girls hand to ease them. She was right alright. A simple "please? You sure? How about this" and any man, brother, etc would easily sigh, nod, give an "yeah you're right".

" well? " Anakin stared daggers into Mace. He never agreed with him. In most things anyway. Always so strict and cruel to Obi-Wan who saw him as a close good friend. It was usually that way in the temple. He saw the good in everyone, and they took that. The coldness his master received after losing Satine was cruel. He regretted the sharpness he gave him during that. He apologized, but never felt it was enough.

"We shall see. I'll talk it over with the council. If Qui-Gon thinks it will not take away from matters, and if it can be done timely, so be it. You will then need to answer to the council after. " he snapped, taking his leave as Anakin gripped a small bag. He took breath and snapped the hook on it, locking it.
"We're going anyway aren't we? " Ahsoka glanced, with a slight sing song in her voice with a smirk.

"You know me too well snips. "
Obi-Wan took in the new room. The bed was huge, looked soft. Blacks, greys, and white. It was simplistic, almost hospital Pristine. He shivered slightly, even smelled like one. Drafts and all.
He scanned a moment. Not even books? He figured the sith must stared blankly at the walls, it would drive anything mad. He wanted nothing more than his bookshelf. Nicely lit corner, organized but cozy, his chair and side table.
Blazes what he wouldn't give for a nice tea. And his room, his shared room with his Anakin.
He fondly remembers how Ahsoka would accidentally fall asleep on the armchair when she first became Anakin's padawan.
"It's more comfy than my room! " the girl would smile. He always allowed it. He never minded it a bit. Although stealing his favorite throw and cocooning in it wasn't exactly nice during cold nights.
Anakin would be giving his best "attempt" if you could call it that at cooking for them. The man burned water. More than once Obi-Wan would wonder how the bloody hell do you burn water more than once? With his skill you'd think he'd be great at a stove top.

He smiled. He'd give anything to see them even one more time. Ahsoka was like a daughter to him. Anakin well.. Self explanatory. And did Ahsoka catch it quick. She giggled in fact and embraced it. Making up ways for Anakin to mess with him.

"She's definitely his padawan " he whispered.

He sat on the edge of the bed, closing his eyes. He felt around the shadowy haze in his mind. Without the red, his mind was clear enough. Calm enough. He just didn't want to spiral. He felt through, grey threads wisping along him. He shooed them off, searching.


A light blue hue.

Can you hear me?



"I'm coming for you. Tell me where you are."

I'm not sure.. A ship. I've been healing Zabrak males. The night sisters.. They should know.

"Zabraks? What are you doing out there? Master who has you? Qui-Gon is-"


"Shit.. I can't explain it all. Tell me who has you I'm gonna find you-"

The vision was knocked down, or rather the wind knocked out of him. He choked and coughed, getting his air back into his lungs.

"I told you not to contact that Jedi. Perhaps more should be done? By the time we're back to my master, your mind won't exist, and you'll be quite the tool in a pinch for him. "

Obi-Wan held his chest. Maul forced his body down and pressed his hand against his forehead.

Obi-Wan screamed and flailed wildly feeling himself become weak and frail. Red fog coated his mind, built walls, barriers. The pain was unbearable. His eyes watered, or cried he couldn't tell. The heat was so ungodly hot. His skin practically burned.

"You'll eventually know your place here. " he let go and the man below him gasped and shook uncontrollably. A sweating crying mess. His blue eyes blood shot, but kriff did her look beautiful.
"So.. Lovely.. "
Did he just say that out loud? The sith sat back watching his prey tremble and turn on his side, attempting to comfort himself as his mind and the peace he built In it, melted away.
He gently touched the slick pale skin on his side. The man jolted and it woke a primal place in him.

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