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Obi-Wan tried catching his breath. It came in small gasps as his chest hitched. It burned. Everything burned. He shook, it felt like the worst fever he'd ever had.
Finger tips dragged along under the shirt he wore. He barely felt them. It felt like hot ice was shooting through his veins.

Is this what the Sith feel when they change? When they train? He felt pity. If only a moment.

Slowly regaining his senses, breathing steadily, he could feel.. Teeth. Teeth along his side. He jolted and felt the larger man grip him in place.

He could yell, scream, it wouldn't matter now. With how much he already did what was the point. The only option left was to ignore. He relaxed, picking a spot beside him on the wall to stare at.

He won. He bloody won. What else could he do? He couldn't remember when he ate last. He was weak. The mighty Jedi master finally defeated.
He didn't bother with shields, hues, the like. He winced here and there, feeling small nips at his skin. He knew some had to be nicked skin.

What will the council think of you now? ~

The air practically cooed.

I don't care. I.. Just don't care.

Obi-Wan reacted at his own thoughts. Had he really thought that out loud? Indeed he had. Who would come for him? In moments of weakness he could only rely on Cody during war. Cody or Anakin running guns blazing from Rex not far behind. And a young Ahsoka ready to fight whoever dared to hurt the people she cared for.

Who honestly would care now.

He felt his shirt being carefully moved upward to his throat. A warm breath against his chest. He shuddered. The same lips nipping at his skin became softer, moving along his stomach, his ribs, his hips.

He tried so hard to focus on the wall, trying to find a chip in the metal, messed up paint. SOMETHING. nothing.

"You seem to be taking it well. Not a bite left in you is there? Well that's no fun. " he heard Maul chuckle.
"Well, I suppose we can make it fun. Itn other ways of course. Let's see how far gone you can be Kenobi. "

A strong hand gripped his throat, just enough to let air through. Obi-Wan coughed at first, gripping the mans arm in reflex. All it got was a feral grin.

He stared at the ceiling, wondering if this is where he'd die. If he planned to break his mind again as he did not even 30 minutes ago. No.

He jumped nearly from his skin feeling cold, slick fingers under his waistband. Moving lower, and lower. They teased and stroked under him. He gritted his teeth, there was no way.

"There it is. A 'great warrior' reduced to this. By a sith? This is much better to see. " The Zabrak hissed.
His fingers dipped into what they searched for, slowly, agonizingly slow.

Obi-Wan's hips moved on their own. Trying to weakly move away. The Red haze circling his mind wouldn't allow it. Making a delirious, aphrodisiac feeling. His breathing became heavy. His vision was blurring, the only sense he really had was touch. And it was ice. Ice, hot, melting, ice. Too many different feelings at once.

"Taking it so well are we? Never believed the Dark side could do this for you aye? How does it feel to be this helpless? To be under a Sith's control?" He gripped his jaw, forcing him to look at him, the Jedi's eyes we're hazy, "Look at you. If only I snagged you on Tatooine, I wouldn't have had to work so hard to break you. "

Obi-Wan's head slid out of his grip and he groggily stared at the lamp across the room. If it even was a lamp he was looking at. Cold,  burning hands gripped his bare thighs, when did that happen?

Forcing them apart and upwards slightly. He felt his knees hitch on broad hips. And a warm heat pool into his stomach as the Zabrak s pelvis met his own. He arched upwards, unable to breath, think, there was too much at once.

His eyes fluttered heavily, and to the Zabrak's glee, those sweet blue grey eyes, fluttered into deep amber.
"Anything? "

"Nothing yet master. " Ahsoka sighed. She fiddled with the holopad, "it's like it's just.. Gone. Disappeared. Is that even possible? "

"It shouldn't be! " Anakin ran a hand through his hair. "Kriff. Alright we're in the right system. They have to be around somewhere. Shit it's a full planet. "

Footsteps made both of the shoot up in shock. Seeing Qui-Gon emerge from a room.
"I'm surprised we aren't more lost, " he muttered, "the way you drive at least. "

"Master I-"

"You really think I haven't done this before? Hes snuck out for the Duchess many a time back in his padawan days. " he chuckled. "You haven't found it because they keep the atmosphere clouded. They are quite skilled. But they are near. Should be due North. Not that far. Keep on the direction you're headed, and you'll be fine. " he nodded to them and say in the side table, as if relaxing in vacation.

"Was he always that calm? About.. Everything? " Ahsoka asked in a whisper.

"As far as I know. I think he was only angry once the entire time Obi-Wan was with him. " he pushed the levers forward, keeping them on track, and a planet came to view.

"That's it, quite the good work you two. " Qui-Gon smiled. "Let's land shall we? "
They stepped down into the grey and red land scape. If it wasnt so gloomy it'd be a pretty beautiful place.
"Master, if I may-" Ahsoka started, "you.. Don't seem very concerned? Not to be rude I just-"

"I understand young one. " he paused a moment, staring ahead, "but one of us has to be calm. " he looked at Anakin a couple feed ahead if them, messing with his comm.
"We'll never find him without a clear head. I'm extremely worried. His mind is... Well. Nearly gone. " he dropped his gaze and kept walking beside her. "If the night sisters are if no help, then we're going to be gone a lot longer than anticipated. Maul has him. And has been wa ting to. "

"What? How do you mean. I know he defeated him for you but-"

"Not the whole story. He's taken him before. When a Zabrak make gets it in his head he will focus on one being. It's why they have a separate planet to begin with. He saw my padawan while needing to grab Skywalker, he could've easily killed the boy then. But he didn't. He went straight to my padawan. They feed on power. They relish in it. When you hear 'the greatest warrior' of course he'd target him. But I know it wouldn't be just him. The Dark Lord would love to use someone like Obi-Wan. It would be a slap in the face to the temple. Same as if they stole Anakin, or even you. "

"So they just want a weapon. Obi-Wan would never. "

"I know him well. I know my padawan couldn't harm another living thing no matter how dark he became unless absolutely necessary. That's not my concern. It's what they're doing to bring him to that point, child. And I'm afraid he may not be the same when we find him. And we will find him. "

"HALT! "

Multiple young women with weapons drawn surround them, Anakin egnites his saber quickly, only for Qui-Gin to shut it off himself at a distance.

"Calm Skywalker. Ladies. " he bows, "we need to speak to your den mother. Urgently. We need to have passage to the planet along yours. "

"The hell would you need to go there for? "
One asked with a blade drawn at he'd side.

"Someone we lost is taken there. We only need passage, and we'll be in our way. " he handed them his saber, Ahsoka followed. "Anakin." He said, making sure the brunette handed his over as well.

One sighed begrudgingly. "Very well. No funny business. Follow. And if you try anything, we're everywhere. " she glared under her mask.

"Of course, we won't be if any trouble. Lead the way. " he smiled calmly and the walked deeper into the deep gray planet. This was their only chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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