Keeping up A-fear-ances!

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Eda grabs the alarm and throws it at the wall, destroying it. She gets out from her nest, goes up to her mirror, and screws in her fake gold fang. After that, she shaves feathers off her leg. She then opens a cupboard stocked up with elixirs. She takes one out, drinks it and blaghs. Back in her room, she puts on a new dress and tears part of the front off.

"Ah, there we go. Mama like."
"It does suit you."

Eda chuckled as she kissed Y/n's cheek, Y/n's ears turned a light red making Eda laugh.

"Today will be special."
"How so?"
"It'll ruin the surprise N/n~" Eda smiled as she walked out the room and to the kitchen. Luz sleeps with her head atop a pile of books while snoring.

Luz jolts up, cries out and falls backwards.
"We ran out of apple blood." Eda kicks the fridge door close and turns around. "Still no luck?"
"None. And I was up all night. I read every tome, book, notepad, and tea leaf." Luz shows Eda a cup, with the tea leaf forming into a shrugging person. "But nothing explains how to make a portal to the Human Realm."
"I wish I could help ya, kid. My door was already pretty old when I found it."
"How long did you have it?"

From somewhere, Lilith starts screaming. Both Eda and Luz gasp. They run to the living room, just in time to see Lilith beginning to turn into her beast form.
"Help... me."
Eda rushes over and takes out a bottle of elixir from beneath a pillow on the couch. She then runs towards Lilith.
"Calm down, just calm down." Eda feeds Lilith the elixir. "The curse acts stronger when you're stressed." Lilith's feathers disappear.
"That was... horrible. How have you managed all these years?"
"Well, it's been hard but since we split the curse, at least the elixirs are working again."
"That's a relief."

Lilith notices her left hand gone. She makes a terrified noise while Luz cries out in shock.
Eda bends down to pick up Lilith's hand. "Oh, yeah, sorry. Side effect of the curse. It's actually fun once in a while." She sets the hand back in place. "Now don't worry. I've stashed elixirs all over the house."

Eda reveals hidden elixirs under the couch seat, behind a flower pot and pulls one out of Luz's hood. "Whenever you start feeling feathery, just help yourself to one of these bad boys."
"I had no idea this is what I did to you. I am so, so sorry."
"Eh, at least I got company now." Eda hands Lilith a bottle of elixir. "And you got me if you need anything."
"And us." Y/n smiled standing next to Luz dressed in a casual outfit.

Eda pats on Lilith's shoulder and walks out. Lilith then lies down on the couch and notices a few bottle of elixirs taped to the ceiling.

Eda, Y/n and Luz stand outside the Owl House. Luz walks up to Eda.
"As I was saying, I've had the portal door for years. But I originally just found it in the dirt. Never figured out who made it or where it came from. I just kept it to myself."
"Why wouldn't you tell anyone?"
"Why? Suddenly curious about my past?"
"Always. Always curious."
"Well, I may have been using it to hide from someone."
"Hide from who?"
"Probably me!"

A sudden strong gust of wind starts blowing, forcing the three to shut their eyes and shield their faces. A bird flies and a tornado coming towards them.
"Magic bird tornado?"

The tornado stops, and a witch lands in front of them. The bird lands back on her staff, turning into a palisman.
"Hello, little witchlet." She vanish her staff, then runs forward with open arms. "Come here."
"Gwendolyn." Eda stops Gwendolyn from coming closer by pressing her hand on her head.
"Oof. Are we still on that? I'm your mother. Call me "Mom".
"It is so good to see you again." She squeezes Eda's face with both hands. "How are you feeling? Are you eating well? I heard all about the Petrification Ceremony. Trust me, I have a lot of strong words for that Belos."

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