Thirty Eight

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We spent Sunday basically making sure we had everything sorted ready for flying, we didn't really see anyone as most people stayed out apart from Jimin

Jungkook and I have just woke up disgustingly early on a Monday morning to catch our flight to Korea

Jungkook loads up the car with our millions of suitcases and hand luggage cases, thank god he's so strong because I couldn't lift these 

At the airport we get our suitcases put through and get our tickets and everything is going smooth

I go to walk towards the departures when Jungkook pulls me a different way

You: What are you doing?

Jungkook: We're going into the executive lounge

You: We can't just go in there you know...

Jungkook: Thanks, I'm aware

He smiles with his smug little sarcastic face

Jungkook: It's included in our tickets that we can use that lounge rather than normal departures

You: Really? Oh shit, it's so fancy in there 

Once we go inside there are women who greet us and take our bags to storage and show us to a fancy restaurant... what the hell is this place

We get treated to the best breakfast ever, it's so yummy

You: Kook, why are we allowed in here?

Jungkook: Because of our tickets 

You: What about them?

Jungkook: We're in first class, so we get to come in here because of it

You: First class?! What?!

Jungkook: You think we'd be on a 12 hour flight and not be in first class? You seen my bank account

He smirks at me looking proud of himself 

You: I've never been in first class before, how exciting! 

Jungkook: Get used to it Tink 

We sit in the fancy lounge until we're ready to board then get shown onto the plane before everyone else

The other people in first class are all business men or old people

Having never experienced this before it seems so crazy, we all basically have little pods with a huge chair that turns into a bed, a TV, a tiny fridge with drinks, a snack shelf, a little doc to hold all electricals and so much more

I only thought this was real in movies, never in my life did I think I'd get a chance to be here

I must look so new to this to everyone else, I keep gasping and showing Jungkook things while he laughs at me in an endearing way

Our little pod is like a double so we're together and can close the side so no-one can see us if we wanted to

The air hostess comes by and gives a warm towel and a bag filled with all sorts of lotions and gels and asks if we want Champagne as soon as we're in the air, of course we say yes 

You: Oh my fucking god Kook, look at this!

Jungkook: Amazing baby

You: This is insane!... LOOK WHAT I FOUND

I keep showing him things and he humours me even though he's done this probably his whole life and fully aware of everything we get 

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