Forty Two

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This evening we're attending the basketball game in Japan, we'll be leaving late afternoon but we can't leave too early as I have my lunch date with Jungkook's mother today which I'm absolutely terrified about

I get everything ready for later so that once I'm done with Da-som we can basically leave

Jungkook helps me pick a nice outfit for lunch and keeps me calm

You: What are you going to be doing?

Jungkook: I'm going to see Mingyu for a bit, just message me when you're done and I'll come straight back

I take a deep breath and go downstairs to meet Da-som, we're staying here which is nice and easy

Jungkook kisses me and grabs my face

Jungkook: Have fun baby, I promise everything will be okay

We say goodbye and I walk into the dining room to find Da-som already waiting for me

Da-som: Y/N! Welcome my darling, please take a seat

She points to the chair across from her at the table and one of the staff pours me a drink

You: Thank you for inviting me to spend time together Da-som

Da-som: Of course, I just wanted some time to myself with you. I know Jungkook is stuck to you like glue, which isn't bad at all. But I wanted you alone

I'm curious as to why she went through all this... I can feel my hands shaking where I'm so nervous

Da-som: How are things with you both?

You: They're perfect, I always seen my parents together growing up and dreamed of having what they have and I feel like I've found that and more with Jungkook

Da-som: That makes me so pleased to hear. Jungkook has of course had girlfriends before but for whatever reason it hasn't worked out, but he also hasn't been how he is with you which is what gives me such hope

I take a sip of my drink and she watches me with a stare that reminds me so much of Jungkook

Da-som: Y/N, I believe with all my heart that Jungkook is going to propose to you. Maybe not right now but he will. I worry that he wants to take on so much of his responsibilities too soon and I don't want him to feel that marriage will start it all and hold him back from asking you

You: You think he'd want to get married now?

Da-som: My baby is a romantic, the thought of having you as his wife probably gives him butterflies but he's scared he's going to make you leave. Although he doesn't show it his mind goes a million miles an hour and he thinks of every tiny detail

You: Oh I know he does. I see his face change when he thinks too hard, but it's also what makes him so smart because he really thinks things through

Da-som smiles at me like it made her happy to hear I notice even subtle changes in him

As a mother I can imagine all you want to know is your child is happy and with someone who appreciates them

Da-som: I pushed for Jungkook to leave and play basketball. It took a lot of arguments with his father and the company board of directors but I know I had to do everything I could to let him have a life he wants and do what he loves

You: He's amazing at basketball and he absolutely flourishes when he plays, I see how happy it makes him to play

Da-som: That's wonderful to hear. He's always had a passion for it, that and anything to do with arts and literature. Two very different worlds

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