Chapter 1- The strange man.

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“Hello there my little amaryllis” Without thinking Nathan blurted out the nickname that the fandom gave little Elias, they gave him the name of a flower.

Elias looked at the translucid person in front of him, in total disbelief, who was this man? He wore strange clothes, spoke strangely and seemed ghostly.

After Elias finally stopped analyzing the strange man he asked again.

“Who are you? How were you able to enter the Bamir Household?  ” He talked with a fake pride, rough voice and false courage.

Nathan finally snapped out of his dazed state, looked at the boy and gave him a gentle smile.

He had to be gentle with Elias, he could clearly see that the boy was afraid, and the least thing he wanted to do was scare him, so he got to his eyes level, to not be intimidating to the little kid. Nathan did not know if what was happening was a dream or if he was really face to face with little Elias, but it didn't matter to him, he finally had the chance to speak to the boy, so he will make the most of it. 

To say Elias was scared was an understatement, there was a strange man in front of him, that he have never seen before, it wasn't like he sees a lot of people, the servants tends to avoid this part of the Bamir mansion, the way he dressed and the way he spoke were completely abnormal, and the way he look at Elias with something in his eyes that no one have ever looked at him like that, the strange man looked at him like he was human.

Nathan knew he had to be cautious when approaching Elias, he remembered how his childhood was, the contents of the extra still fresh on his mind, how little the boy was taken in consideration, he had to approach the little boy just like approaching a feral kitten. He has to be gentle and the most welcoming way possible.

“Well then, sorry for my rudeness” Nathan said looking Elias in the eyes” My name is Nathan, and you see, I’m afraid that I don't know where I am, or how did I got here”

It didn't do much in calming the boy, but it was what he could do at the moment, however it was only the beginning, and he hoped that this realistic dream could at least be sufficient time to alleviate the burden of the kid in front of him.

Even if Nathan wanted to talk to Elias freely, he had to remind himself that this was Elias first time meeting him, being approached by someone who you never met before and this stranger says he knows every little detail about you would be terrifying to say the least. 

So he had to take a different approach, acting calm and collected the best way he could. He started to talk again.

“May I ask your name?” He asked the boy, still with a gentle smile on his face, hoping for the answer.

Elias was still doubtful, he did not trust this man yet.

“I shall answer your questions if you answer mine first” Even if it was what Elias said he didn't want to continue to speak, his throat was too dry, that at the moment speaking was painful, yet he needed to know who this man called Nathan was.

He just hoped that it was fast, so he could go back to his room. He was starting to get dizzy, little by little his vision was getting wobbly and black spots were starting to appear, he feared that he would faint before getting to his room.

“Of course, I will answer everything that is within my capabilities” Nathan never thought that the skeptical kid in front of him would be easy, the kid was already traumatized by this forsaken family.

Elias was visibly more calm, not completely but not as much tense  as before, it was a good signal to Nathan, he could see that it was an unconscious action, it lessened the worry that the older male had, albeit it was still there.

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