chapter 3

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i closed my locker after i collected my stuff. i walked to my 2nd to last class of the day. ill be skipping my last class today and the whole day tommarow because i needed to pack.

i sat in a random seat and started doodling on a paper. the teacher walked in after a few minutes.

"okay everyone please turn to page 364 in your books." he said polititly.

i flipped through pages till i found 364.

"read this whole chapter and well have a quiz tommarow. "

great this lesson has no meaning to me. a little while later of staring into space i asked to go to the restroom.

i walked out of the class. i saw a kid at his locker rummaging through papers. he turned to look at me. i looked into his eyes and i recodnized them right away.

"oh hey babe" he said a solid smirk on his face. "whyd you run away from me on wensday?"

"you ass! i dont even know your name and you think you can kiss me like that and getting me kicked of the bus!" i said coming closer to him. i slammed his locker shut so i had all his attention.

"love at first sight" he said winking.

i looked to the right extending my neck.

"see that?" i asked pointing to the hicky.

"yea?" he said like he didnt care.

i swung my hand back and slapped him..... hard.

"i hope your cheek turns as red as my neck is, you douchbag." i turned on my heel and went back to class.


i rummaged though all of the things in my drawers. i threw away most of my stuff and only packed a little. i had everything packet except for a couple of drawers

"hows it going sweets?" my grandma said walking in.

i turned my head. right now i was sitting on my knees facing away from the door.

"almost done" i said smiling.

"im going to miss you"

"i know me too." i said standing up brushing off my knees.

"i cant belive your leaving today..." she said getting choked up.

"dont cry" i said hugging her. i squeezed her tightly.

we both sat down on my bed that has no duvet.

we talked about how well miss each other a lot.

"so are you going to try and get involved in singing again?" my grandma asked.

"no grandma thats over." i said.

"okay whatever you like." she said sighing.

she patted my hands. "ill meet you down stairs in a little you have to catch your flight soon" she said leaving.

i got back to packing right away. finally when i was finished i looked at my empty room. it was boring and empty.

i straigtned my hair and slipped into yoga pants a loose tank top and a light sweater. i fixed my makeup and walked down stairs.

i saw my grandma leaning against the counter with her head down.

"grandma its time for me to go."

she nodded her head giving me a kiss on the cheek.

we said our i love yous and i packed my 3 bug suite cases in the rental car we got and drove off to the airport


" this is the pilot speaking. flight 863 westbury, ireland to london, england has landed. be sure to collect all items from the top cabnits. the weather is chilly but the sun is out. its a great day outside! thank you for flying with us" the pilot said.

i packed my ear buds away and got up collecting my luggage. my heart pounded to finally take a look at london. the people slowly excited the plane and i was next.

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