The Catcaller.

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In the golden light of the setting sun,

A stroll I took with my sister, young and fair,

Her laughter echoed, carefree and fun,

As we ventured through a world so rare.

Alongside us, her dear friend did stride,

A blossoming soul, tender and true,

But then, a moment shattered, innocence defied,

As a voice pierced through, his intention askew.

The melodies of childhood, suddenly unraveled,

As that cruel call tore through the crisp air,

My heart recoiled, its core left marveled,

By the cruelty that society often dares.

How could one so young be subjected to such pain,

Her innocence tested, her spirit shaken,

A reminder of the torment so many sustain,

In a world where respect is too often forsaken.

But amidst the anguish, a strength arose,

A fire ignited, a bond forged deep,

For together we stood, against the shadows,

Unyielding, a united front, we would keep.

For she may only be twelve, her steps yet unsure,

But her soul glows with a radiance divine,

And in her eyes, a fierce spirit did endure,

A reminder to us all, that she will shine.

So let us rise, with words as our might,

To challenge the darkness and injustice we see,

In unity, we will strive to make things right,

And create a world where all can be free.

For every voice silenced will find its song,

And the echoes of fear shall turn to jest,

We stand together, united and strong,

In the face of adversity, we won't rest

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