Come here little one.

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Nothing, absolutely nothing. That's all you hear and see right now, well.. except for the few slivers of moonlight peeking through the clouds. You didn't think it would be this intense, this terrifying, this.. this.... Exciting. You're currently hiding behind an old abandoned building hoping you to catch your breath, then you hear it. SNAP. ~dammit was he always this close~ Your thoughts began to race, gripping the leash still bound to the collar on your neck. Proof he owned you. You didn't mind though, your core aches for his touch even in this primal state of his, so much so that you need to be caught. "Oh my sweet little one, I can here your heart race, your breath quicken, smell your arousal." ~oh god he's so close~ Without thinking you dart towards the door hoping even if he's near he won't see and you'll be able to make it inside. Well.... That was wishful thinking. SLAM. Next thing you know your on the floor with one arm forced behind you back and a very firm tight grip on you hair yanking your head up. "Oh little one you shouldn't have done that, now I'm going to devour every inch of you. Taste every piece of your delicious and delicate skin." You whimper at his words alone, the feeling in you core growing with need. "Please sir, please eat me and ravish me. I promise I'll scream." With a deep chuckle the hand holding your arm moves to your neck with an almost terrifying grip. "That my good little one."

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