Call Of The Banshee

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Run. That's your only thought, especially hearing the branches breaking closer and closer. You had challenged him that you could hide from him. His exact words were, "If I don't find you, you can escape; if I catch you, I fuck you." What great ideas that was, because now you are running in the woods, in the middle of a foggy night, and in only your panties and their oversized shirt. The ground was still damp from earlier in the day. The fog was thick enough to lose your way, and more than the ground was wet now. He knew what he was doing making you wear the lace panties. Taking refuge behind a large boulder, trying to steady your breathing, you hear him, "Come out here my little one. I know you are here, I can smell you." Instinctively you squeeze your legs together suppressing a moan, he's not even touching you and your this turned on. You started to run again when all of a sudden he grabs you and slams your back against the rock. He leans in and growls, yes actually growls, "I told you to hide little one, now it's my turn." With that he quickly wraps your legs around his waist and pins your arms above you, and begins sucking on your neck. "Mmm ah mmm! Banshee!!" You can literally feel his smirk on your skin, as your quickly shifted to ground and he presses himself into you. "Can you feel how worked up you got me little one." He reaches down to rubs your core outside your soaked panties, while biting hard on your neck. You couldn't help moaning or the whimper that escaped your lips. Next thing you know your hands are tied to a tree right above your head and he pulls out his knife. You whimper as you hear the distinctive sound of fabric being cut followed by that very knife being dragged down your chest and abdomen. The cold steal is pressed against your neck as two fingers enter your cunt. You can't resist the moan or how you arch your back instinctively. His fingers curl just at the right spot sending little shocks through your body. "Ah!! Banshee! Please please.. I need it!" The deep evil laugh he let out, oh god. "You little whore, the sounds you make while you struggle are like music to my ears." You can feel the knife cut the lace which is the only thing between your aching core and his throbbing cock. The cold steal is a shock to how hot you feel. Slowly banshee drags the back of the knife up through folds and up stomach, just to put it back on your neck. Without warning he slams himself into you, down to the damn hilt, making your back arch higher as you whimper and whine. You're given a moment to adjust to his size, soon to feel him slamming into you at a steady and rough pace. His cock filling you up, knife to your throat, and his teeth on your chest, all the sensations are driving you insane. The first orgasm hits hard and fast out of nowhere but he doesn't stop, instead your juices just make it easier for him. "Such a good girl aren't you? I told you, no mercy if I catch you." Your moans soon turn into whines and whimpers as he keeps pushing you further over and over the edge. Darkness is all that greets your eyes with how far they have rolled. You feel his thumb starts to rub circle on your clit. "Ban!! I ... I can't!! Please!! Ah!!" No mercy is given as you feel the build up for your second orgasm grow. You scream as it crashes hard, white edges your vision. His pace only slows just enough to help you ride it out, "Oh little one, your got one more in ya don't you?" You could only manage a nod, words can no longer be formed. His pace begins to pick up but it's a little sloppy, his own release rearing up. The knife is stabbed to into the ground right next your head and his hand replaces it. His grip is tight enough to feel the air restricted from your lungs. Banshee can't help slamming harder and harder chasing his own pleasure and feeling your walls clamp down one him as your third one builds. Pulling at the rope around your wrist, you whimper and scream in pure bliss and ecstasy. Your third release is the most intense with how sensitive you've become, your vision goes white. With a primal, guttural growl he slams into you one final time, filling you up with himself and his seed. "Good little one, so good for me," the grip on your neck is gone, now a gentle brush of his fingers as he moves your hair off your sweaty face. "Breathe baby girl, breathe. You did so good." Your cut loose and gently picked up. "Let's get you home and cleaned up."

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