I said beg

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"I DON'T CARE IM NOT YOURS ASSHOLE" SLAM. Yet again nearly breaking your phone after an argument with your ex. You sighed as you rubbed your temple hoping for some kind of relief, since your dildo broke and your vibrator was charging. Even after cheating he acted like he owned you which makes you laugh since he never even let you finish. There's a knock at the door before it opens revealing one of the sexiest men alive, also known as your new neighbor Damien. "Hope you don't mind sweetheart heart but I could hear the screaming match next door and wanted make sure you where ok." "I'm fine thanks Damien, just my ex being a jerk."  Your eyes lingered on him, etching him into your brain to use him as inspiration for tonight's activities later. Damien was a very well built muscular man, around 6'6" (which dwarfed your tiny 4'11" self), covered in intricate tattoos form the neck down. Through peeping out your window you knew the upper half was covered but it made you wonder about the lower. Through conversations you also found out he's a special forces soldier and avid biker. All of which basically kept you turned on. "You know if you keep looking at me like that I might have to spank you." HUH!?!?? You blinked up in surprise, suddenly nervous. " I'm so sorry I was just looking at the ink I can't believe I spaced out." " if you beg I might let you see the rest. I see how you look at me, how red those soft delicate cheeks get. I can only imagine what else you do." Your face grows warm and red. He's got you. "What if.... What if I want.. need more that to just see?" He slowly walks up and gently places his hands around your neck as he guides your back against the wall, pinning you there. "I told you to beg, if you beg me sweetly for what you want I will give it to you. But I need to know what you want." God he was everything your ex wasn't and you needed him. "Please.. please I need you to touch me." You softly whispered. He reaches down and starts to rub your slit through the oh so thin leggings you had on. "So wet already and no panties, is this where you need me naughty girl? Is this what you want?" You couldn't help the gasp and whimper as his hand swiftly tore them away and kneeled down in front of you. Without hesitation your legs you on his shoulders and his grip firm on your ass. "Oh you smell so damn good." He teased while slowly tracing his tongue just outside your aching folds. "Please Damien!! Oh god please!" "Please what baby girl?" "Please please please make me cum!! I need to feel your tongue on me, in me, please!" That was enough for him. He immediately began to devour you as him he was a starving man, his tongue lapping up every bit of your juices while one hand let go just to smack your ass hard enough for you to cry out. "Oh god yes!! Yes! Please don't stop!" Your legs keep his head firmly where you need him. His thumbs starts to rub against that sensitive bundle of nerves causing you to jolt and whimper. "Oh god I'm close!!" "Cum on my face now baby girl." He growled form between your thigh as your moans and whimpers became sloppier. "AH— ah- dam!!!!!" The corners of you vision began to blur white as you came with an intensity you've never felt. He didn't spill a single drop of you relishing in your sweet delicious taste. Gently putting your shaking legs down he stands up and guides you to your bed being gently pushing you down. "Catch your breath sweetheart because I'm only just beginning."

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