Dark Salvation

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You had been thrown out of your home at 18 after your ex accused you of cheating to cover his own ass. It's been a few years and you managed to stay off the streets by working at a high end bar and restaurant deeper in the city, and now that you where 21 you actually got to work behind the bar which made more money. Tonight you couldn't help notice the owner keeping a watchful eye one you, never letting you leave his line sight. There has always been something so.... Dark? Mysterious? Even dangerous about him. No one ever saw him eat or drink anything other than what looked like a slightly thicker red wine. Everyone joked he was a vampire, but you thought it might actually be true, and the thought turned you on. You hadn't been with anyone since your ex, since it was pretty hard to trust after that. His gaze made you feel hot and made it so hard to concentrate. Once the night had ended and you closed down, your boss Xavier stopped you before the elevator. His eyes were hungry and now that he was right in front you noticed how impossibly green his eyes were, like they were actually glowing. "I know you've seen me watching you, and I know you feel this pull." He wasn't wrong, you constantly felt a strong pull towards him. "Let me walk you home." You hide your face, although you've had a secure job, you couch surfed. "I... I don't have a home. I've been saving to find one." He can hear the pain in your voice and pulls you close to him, "Hey now, it's alright. Come stay with me." Before you can protest he guides you into the elevator and brings you up to his penthouse. He guides you to his room and tells you to go ahead and shower, leaving a shirt of his for after. Once you step out of the steamy shower and are dressed he bring you to the couch, "You've heard rumors about me? That I'm a vampire?" He chuckled as you nodded your head with a laugh, "What if it was true? And what if you where me destiny? We all have one." Your eyes grew wide as did the bush on your face. The thought of being destined for anyone was a dream, but him? Oh it made you wet, and you had no complaints. "Let me make you mine, and I'll show you how loyal I can be. Tell me my dear, will you?" You squirmed under his gaze but when you looked up you couldn't help but honestly answer. "Yes, yes I will." "Good girl." He gently said as he took your lips with his. Even his kiss set you on fire in a way you've never felt. Your arms quickly wrapped around his neck pulling you onto his lap. In one quick action he lifted you up and walked you back into his room and down onto his bed. The shirt he lent you now rolled up about your exposed cunt. Before you could cover yourself he knelt down between your thighs trailing kisses and sharp bites from your knees to your hips. Soft moans escaping with each one, and a sharp gasp as he began to devour you. His tongue working magic on your clit, and fingers edging you close.  Your hands found his silky black hair and embedded deep in his locks keeping him right where you needed him. His hum of approval at your need vibrated you pulling you closer and closer, but before you could climax he pulled away, your juices still on his face making you whine with need. "Please...." "Oh don't worry my love, I'm not done. I'm nowhere near." He came back to tower over you his eyes for sure glowing bright green now. You reached up to stroke his face, he can't help but lean in. He strips himself of his clothes revealing his toned muscular form with intricate tribal like tattoos. He gently removes his shirt off your body, kissing all the way up to your neck. Now fully exposed you felt even more desperate for him. He nestled himself between your thighs, lined up, and gently pushed himself in. Moaning at the feeling of your walls clenching him just right. Your back arches until your body forms to his, gripping onto his back as if he was your only salvation. His mouth latches onto you neck as he begins to his ravenous assault on your cunt. His cock was so huge he filled you in ways you've never thought possible, a slight pain mixed with the intense pleasure. "Ah!! Mm!!! Xav..Xavier!!!" "Baby, mm, be mine. In every way, ah, let me turn you." He managed to grunt out between thrust. Without hesitation you bare your neck to him, "Please, DO IT!! Ah!!" His fangs pierce your skin inciting a brief moment of pain before intense pleasure takes over. The intensity throws you over the edge as you climax and cum harder than ever. He doesn't stop, his pace only quickens as he bites down again on the other side of your neck. He grabs your arms and pins them above your head, he leaned down to bite your breasts. The feeling of small little ribbons of your warm blood trickling your skin. The sensations all becoming too much, your body growing more and more sensitive. A second climax builds quickly and crashes down intensely, making your moans turn to whimpers and whines. The sloppy wet sounds emanating from between your bodies only increasing your sexual need. His cock began to twitch inside you, the sensation stimulated your already overly sensitive cunt. You've turned into a whiny whimpering mess, "Please.... please!!! Xavier...PLEASE!" He thrusts a few more times rough and harshly slamming himself all the way and keeping his cock deep inside and he fills you with all of his seed. Your eyes have rolled into the back of your head as you begin to go limp in his grasp, body trembling with the slightest breeze. While keeping himself buried deep inside and making sure not a dep spills from you, he bites one final time, this bite more painful than anything. You where to weak form over stimulation to fight back, not that your wanted to, and laid there secure in his grasp as you felt him drink from your veins. He lets go of your neck and releases your arms, bringing his wrist to his mouth and biting it. As the blood flows he brings to your mouth encouraging you to drink. As you do, you feel a warmth rush through you, making you drowsy and weaker. He finally pulls out and carries you to the bathroom to wash your body. He runs a hot bath and begins to wash the cum and blood from your body, whispering praises in your ear, "Such a good girl, you did so well. When you wake my love, I'll be right here." The last thing you remember is drifting to sleep in his arms wrapped in the softest of blankets.

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