Chapter 2

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~Kellin's P.O.V~
I was awoken by my mother opening my blinds, letting the sun stream in. I don't understand why it has to be so bright? Like couldn't we just have a brightness adjusting thingy in our minds?

"Kellin honey, wake up. You're going to be late!" She sighed as she pulled the blankets back away from my face knowing that today was going to be a struggle for me. "You need to get up. I'd rather you not go either but it's for the best and I would rather see you enjoying your weekends with friends instead of finding you passed out on the bathroom floor. I promise you it will all go smoothly. You'll make friends in no time with your sweet little face!"

"Why can't I just stay here and make internet friends? I'll keep doing my school work online with whatever I find. I won't do it to myself again! I'll really try this time. Please?" I begged, knowing full well that I was lying when I said I wouldn't do it again. My plan was to end everything as soon as possible. But maybe if I convinced her for a couple of weeks that I was okay it would be easier. I'll just convince her to cancel school and I'll stay here and 'get better'.

"Mhm and I'm a monkey's uncle. Get up Kellin, you're going to school and you will make friends and be a normal 17 year old boy. You'll have girls drooling over you." She wasn't giving up anytime soon. I knew that there was no point in arguing against her. She'd always win some way or another. "If you do a full week you can get something from Hot Topic." She added with a wink. It was a done deal! I'd do anything to get more band shirts. I pretty much lived in those things. I eat, sleep, breathe band shirts! Okay no that sounded weird forget that.

I managed to find a sliver of motivation to get up and shower. I picked out some black skinny jeans, a Blink 182 shirt and my favorite pair of Toms. I grabbed my back pack that I had previously packed the night before because I knew I wouldn't have had time this morning. It was currently 7:30am and school apparently started at 8:15am. I didn't want to be late on my first day of senior year. At least it's only a year of school, then I'm free again... If I last that long.

"Kellin! In the car now or you're going to be late!" Mom screamed louder than necessary as she walked out of the door.


As we pulled up at the school I felt my stomach drop and my heart go into my throat. I can't even remember how this whole school thing works!

"Alright bye mom. Love you, please be here on time otherwise I will have an anxiety attack and it won't be pretty." I shakily said, kissing her on the cheek before hoping out of the car and walking up through the big doors. Clairemont High, my new hell.
I managed to find my way to the administration office with little to no inconveniences which made me feel a bit better.

"How can I help you?" An older looking lady asked with a rather bored expression.
"Uhm yeah hi I'm.. It's.. Uh.." Panic rose in me as I realized that this is all reality. I'm really here. What if I get bullied? What if everyone finds out I've tried to kill myself? Oh god no ones going to like me. I'm going to become like one of those cliché chick flick movies where they sit alone in a bathroom stall. Why did I ever agree to this. I want to go - I was shaken out of my thoughts by the office lady in front of me.

"Kid I can't help you unless you tell me what you need."

"Oh uh yeah I need a schedule and whatever uh else you need on your first day" I struggled to get the words out. I need to calm down. I need to put my headphones in and just chill. But wait I'm at school so I can't. Well this shall be fun.

I was handed my schedule and a map kinda thing of the school. Just as I was sure I was on the right track to first period I ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't look where I was going. I'm sorry. Let me help you." I was speaking so fast I couldn't even understand myself. As I looked up to see who I ran into my heart sunk. He was covered in tattoos and was quite tall. He looked kind of friendly but at the same time he looked as if he could rip your head off for fun.
"Watch it. Better hope I don't see your face again or you won't have one." He spat his words at me before shoving me back to the ground and walking off. It's happening already. Here's to a year of bullying and loneliness.

I managed to get through my first 3 periods without too much trouble. I got lost a couple of times but managed to find my way eventually. I avoided everyone at all costs and sat in the back corner away from everyone. Maybe this year would be okay. Maybe I can avoid everyone and just be by myself the whole time. I've been like that for the last 8 years, what's another year going to hurt? That's my plan. I'll be known as the loner except no one will know I exist so I will be the only one that knows I'm a loner.

Lunch rolled around and I felt panic rise in my chest again. Maybe I should stop being a wimp for a moment and go into the cafeteria and just see what it's like, then I'll leave and sit in the bathrooms by myself. Yeah that's what I will do. Maybe it will be just like the movies with all the different cliques sitting separately. I've always wanted to know if that's what high school was really like. As I got to the cafeteria doors I felt myself sweating more than usual. Stupid anxiety. I stepped foot into the cafeteria and looked around. Yep, exactly like your movies. The cliques were so obvious I swear I could have picked out what type each group was. I quickly scanned the room to fulfill my curiosity and spun around on my heel to head to the bathrooms. I had walked past one earlier that looked pretty much abandoned so that seemed like the safest place to make my new lunch space. Honestly, I had no idea where I was going. I still had no idea how to find my way around this school.

I was sure I was near it as I reached a corner I knew I had to turn but stopped dead in my tracks. I heard a voice that sounded vaguely familiar but no one I knew well enough to put my finger on.
»Sup guys! So like I'm writing a fanfic... It's my first fanfic so let's see how it goes. I also start off writing a book with lots of ideas and get halfway through it and give up so I'll try not to slack off. Anyways this is just for fun so I'm not actually going to ask for votes comments or whatever else. I don't even care if this doesn't get any reads. It will probably be better and spare you from reading something not that great xD anyways thanks for reading if you do.«
~ iLikeTurtlesInBands

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